April 7, 2010 – ORLANDO, FLA – Project
Vote, one of the nation’s leading voter engagement organizations, has
teamed up with Orlando-based advertising agency Echo
Interaction Group to revolutionize how community organizations conduct
voter registration drives. Using cutting-edge technology, Echo’s team is
developing a user-friendly, mobile-based application that provides an
ideal electronic alternative to what was previously a tedious and
archaic paper-based process. The application is slated to make its
official debut this May.
Specifically optimized for handheld
electronic devices and universally compatible with all iPhone,
Blackberry, and Sybian-based operating systems–including Apple’s latest
technological release, the iPad–this mobile canvassing platform allows
users to instantly and accurately record, collect, and upload data to a
secure server.
“The traditional model for community-based voter
registration drives is a cumbersome pen-and-clipboard system, requiring
thousands of pieces of paper to be filled out, collected, checked, data
entered, and hand-delivered to election officials,” explained Project
Vote’s executive director Michael Slater. “Project Vote had the idea to
create a software application that would allow us to take advantage of emerging
technology to make this process cheaper, more efficient, and more
Project Vote sought out and enlisted the talents of
Echo’s team. “When we heard about Echo’s experience in digital
applications, specifically related to the political arena, we were
excited at the possibility of collaborating with them to help our vision
become a reality,” said Slater.
With the new application, data collected is immediately
processed and uploaded to state election officials, providing seamless
and stress-free processing of voter registration applications. In
addition to being more efficient, this digital switch should also
drastically decrease costly and timely mistakes that reduce team
efficiency and lead to rejected or duplicate application.
Currently only four states, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon,
and Washington, support online voter registration, though state
government requires online registrants to already have a digital
signature on file. However, with the development of this mobile
application both Echo Interaction Group and Project Vote are optimistic
that other states will soon follow suit.
“We live, work, operate and play in a digital age,”
said Carlos Carbonell, CEO and Founder of Echo Interaction Group. “The
most accurate and simplistic approach tends to be the most desired one.
With this particular application, data collected can be used beyond the
scope of simple voter registration.”
In addition to streamlining the application process,
the application will also capture information as permissible by state
law, allowing organizations to seamlessly integrate this data with
quality control efforts, impact assessments, and Get-Out-The-Vote
“This has the potential to revolutionize voter
engagement efforts for the 21st century,” said Slater.
About Project Vote:
Project Vote is a
national nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that promotes voting in
historically underrepresented communities. Project Vote takes a
leadership role in nationwide voting rights and election administration
issues, working through research, litigation, and advocacy to ensure
that their constituencies can register, vote, and cast ballots that
count. For more information visit www.projectvote.org. Contact: Michael McDunnah, Project
Vote, 1.202.905.1397 or
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About Echo
Interaction Group:
Founded in 2009, Echo
Interaction Group is a minority owned full-service interactive design
agency specializing in multicultural, political and cause marketing.
Echo is dedicated to improving the world with cutting-edge, innovative
and creative design and marketing campaigns. A key component of
their business model is creating awareness and furthering community
involvement in both local and national philanthropic endeavors. For more
information visit Echo’s Web site at www.justecho.com. Contact:
Carlos Carbonell, Echo Interaction Group, 1.888.324.6115 or
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