Mark White says Texas voter rules not needed

By Associated Press June 13, 2012
GALVESTON – Former Gov. Mark White has testified that voter registration restrictions approved by the 2011 Legislature are unnecessary and make it tougher to register voters.
White took the stand Tuesday in federal court in Galveston on the final day of a hearing challenging the new provisions. Democrat White, before becoming governor, was secretary of state in the 1970s and helped overhaul the state’s election code.
Assistant Attorney General Kathlyn Wilson argued the updated rules are meant to prevent fraud.

The nonpartisan group Project Vote seeks to block provisions regulating large-scale, community-based voter registration efforts. The group in February sued Secretary of State Hope Andrade and the voter registrar in Galveston County.
U.S. District Judge Gregg Costa has given both sides a week to submit further information. READ MORE.

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