
Project Vote is a preeminent source of information on election and voting issues that affect underrepresented Americans.

Our research and publications cover a wide range of topics, including the composition of the electorate, state compliance with federal election law, and policy issues that improve access or raise barriers to democracy.

Additionally, Project Vote provides the voting rights community with an array of tools and resources to assist in advocacy and voter engagement efforts.


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Automatic Voter Registration: Two NVRA-Compliant Models

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24 results returned

Policy Paper: No Match, No Vote

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Congress passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) in 2002, including provisions to streamline and modernize voter registration databases and establish identification requirements. However, some states have misinterpreted the law and passed onerous “No Match, No Vote” laws. Read more

Legislative Brief: Voter Intimidation and Caging

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This2010 brief defines voter intimidation and voter caging, gives recent examples of both issues, and offers recommendations for preventing these problems in today’s elections. Read more

Legislative Brief: Ensuring that Provisional Ballots are Counted

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This legislative brief outlines the reasons why thousands of provisional ballots have not been counted since the passage of Help America Vote Act, and why the use of provisional ballots should be limited. It also provides policy recommendations which, if implemented by all states, would increase the likelihood that a voter’s provisional ballot would count. Read more

Policy Brief: Your Ballot is in the Mail: Absentee Voting and Vote-by-Mail

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This 2007 policy brief examine the advantages and disadvantages of convenience voting in the form of no-excuse absentee voting, permanent no-excuse absentee voting, and Vote-By-Mail. Read more