Project Vote is a preeminent source of information on election and voting issues that affect underrepresented Americans.
Our research and publications cover a wide range of topics, including the composition of the electorate, state compliance with federal election law, and policy issues that improve access or raise barriers to democracy.
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Policy Paper: Enfranchising America’s Youth
In its first edition of “Enfranchising American Youth,” Erin Ferns Lee reviewed the voter registration and voting rates of 18- 29 year-old citizens in 2008, and examined existing laws that hinder or facilitate participation by young, non-college attending voters. Lee provides policy recommendations for improving voter registration and ballot access for all American youth. Read more
Policy Paper: Early In-Person Voting: Effects on Underrepresented Voters, Voting Turnout, and Election Administration
In this policy paper, Teresa James examines early voting trends in the 2008 elections, and concludes with best practices for implementing early voting. Read more
Policy Brief: Voter Registration Modernization and the NVRA
This policy brief documents various problems with voter registration and outlines pragmatic solutions states can adopt to make registering to vote simple, efficient and transparent. Read more
Legislative Brief: Voter Registration Drives
Community-based voter registration organizations serve as critical intermediaries between states and citizens who are currently alienated from the political process. Such voter registration drives have long been a feature of American politics and have helped countless Americans become registered voters. This tremendous success, however, elicited an organized backlash that came in two parts: claims of voter fraud and the introduction of state bills that were designed to restrict voter registration drives. Read more
Voter Registration Services at Public Assistance Agencies: Complying with Federal
This paper provides information to legislators, government officials, journalists, and interested citizens about voter registration services at state public assistance agencies and offices that serve persons with disabilities, which are required by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Read more
Legislative Brief: Expanding the Youth Electorate through Preregistration
This legislative brief discusses the underrepresentation of youth particularly youth of color–in the general electorate, and how the growing trend of preregistration helps to address this problem. It concludes with recommendations for implementing preregistration policies. Read more
Legislative Brief: Expanding the Youth Electorate through Preregistration
This legislative brief discusses the underrepresentation of youth particularly youth of color–in the general electorate, and how the growing trend of preregistration helps to address this problem. It concludes with recommendations for implementing preregistration policies. Read more
Legislative Brief: Maintaining Current and Accurate Voter Lists
Every state is tasked with the duty to maintain current and accurate computerized statewide voter registration rolls, while at the same time ensuring that no eligible voters are wrongfully removed from the rolls. This report discusses some of the challenges inherent in balancing these two goals, and offers recommendations for implementing best practices. Read more
Policy Paper: Maintaining Current and Accurate Voter Lists
This report discusses some of the challenges for election officials inherent in maintaining accurate voter lists while ensuring no eligible voters are wrongfully removed from the rolls, and offers recommendations for implementing best practices. Read more
Interstate Compacts
This memo summarizes which states are conducting interstate matching programs, how each state uses the resulting data, and the potential problems of using the information from crosschecking to cancel registrations. Read more