Our research and publications cover a wide range of topics, including the composition of the electorate, state compliance with federal election law, and policy issues that improve access or raise barriers to democracy.
Additionally, Project Vote provides the voting rights community with an array of tools and resources to assist in advocacy and voter engagement efforts.
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Advanced Filters and Sorting
Debunking Fraud Claims Based on Database Matching
Fact sheet and talking points on the problem with database matching programs. Read more
Debunking Multiple-Registration Fraud
Fact sheet and talking points about the myth that being registered in more than one state constitutes "voter fraud." Read more
Debunking the Myth of In-Person Voter Fraud
Fact sheet and talking points on the myth that voter impersonation is a widespread problem in American elections. Read more
Debunking the Myth of “Cemetery Voting”
Fact sheet and talking points on the myth that American elections have a problem with voting by dead people. Read more
Debunking the Myth of Non-Citizen Voting
Fact sheet and talking points on the myth that millions of non-citizens cast ballots in American elections. Read more
Fact Sheet: The Truth About “Voter Fraud”
Facts, talking points, and links to studies debunking the myth that "voter fraud" is a widespread problem in American elections. Read more
Fact Sheet: Online Voter Registration in the States
To date, 34 states allow individuals to register to vote completely electronically. Five states have passed legislation to enable online voter registration in the near future, and several states have pending online voter registration legislation. Read more
Information for NC Voters Who Attempted to Register at DMVs
Information on the provisional ballot process for North Carolina voters who attempted to register through the DMV but find they are not on the voter rolls. Read more
State Voter Registration Guide: Wisconsin
This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more
Representational Bias 2014: Complete State Fact Sheets
Individual fact sheets for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, showing adult citizen population, unregistered population, and composition of each state electorate for 2012 and 2014 by race, age, income, education, marital status, disability status, and time at present residence. Read more