
Project Vote is a preeminent source of information on election and voting issues that affect underrepresented Americans.

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296 results returned

Election Legislation Threats and Opportunities Memo, June 2010

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In this report, Erin Ferns Lee reviews both the threats and opportunities represented by election bills that have been introduced in U.S. Congress and the states in summer 2010, based on Project Vote’s bill monitoring project, discussions with state-based advocates, recent media coverage, and the partisan makeup of the legislatures and state election directors. Read more

Voter Registration Services at Public Assistance Agencies: Complying with Federal

Policy Paper See all

This paper provides information to legislators, government officials, journalists, and interested citizens about voter registration services at state public assistance agencies and offices that serve persons with disabilities, which are required by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Read more

Election Legislation Threats and Opportunities Memo, March 2010

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In this report, Erin Ferns Lee reviews both the threats and opportunities represented by election bills that have been introduced in U.S. Congress and the states in early spring 2010, based on Project Vote’s bill monitoring project, discussions with state-based advocates, recent media coverage, and the partisan makeup of the legislatures and state election directors. Read more

Legislative Brief: Expanding the Youth Electorate through Preregistration

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This legislative brief discusses the underrepresentation of youth particularly youth of color–in the general electorate, and how the growing trend of preregistration helps to address this problem. It concludes with recommendations for implementing preregistration policies. Read more

Legislative Brief: Maintaining Current and Accurate Voter Lists

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Every state is tasked with the duty to maintain current and accurate computerized statewide voter registration rolls, while at the same time ensuring that no eligible voters are wrongfully removed from the rolls. This report discusses some of the challenges inherent in balancing these two goals, and offers recommendations for implementing best practices. Read more

Legislative Brief: Expanding the Youth Electorate through Preregistration

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This legislative brief discusses the underrepresentation of youth particularly youth of color–in the general electorate, and how the growing trend of preregistration helps to address this problem. It concludes with recommendations for implementing preregistration policies. Read more

Interstate Compacts

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This memo summarizes which states are conducting interstate matching programs, how each state uses the resulting data, and the potential problems of using the information from crosschecking to cancel registrations. Read more

Model Testimony: Paperless Voter Registration

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This document provides a template for lawmakers and other interested parties to draft bills in support of paperless voter registration. Read more

Legislative Brief: Voter Intimidation and Caging

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This2010 brief defines voter intimidation and voter caging, gives recent examples of both issues, and offers recommendations for preventing these problems in today’s elections. Read more

Model Bill: Voter Caging

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This document provides a template for lawmakers and other interested parties to draft bills in support of preventing voter caging practices. Read more