
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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Project Vote and ACLU File ACORN Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of Pennsylvania Voter-Registration Law

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The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania and Project Vote filed a lawsuit today on behalf of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), charges that a Pennsylvania law unconstitutionally restricts ACORN’s right to conduct voter-registration drives. Read more

Project Vote Releases New Report Evaluating Fifteen Years of the NVRA

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Today Project Vote is proud to release The NVRA at Fifteen: A Report to Congress, the first comprehensive report evaluating the implementation of this landmark law. Read more

New Case Study Documents Successful Turnaround of Missouri’s Public Agency Registration Program

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Today, Project Vote is releasing a new report, Registering Low-Income Voters through Public Assistance Agencies in Missouri, which shows just how well public agency voter registration can work. Read more

Voting Rights Groups Sue Indiana for Neglecting Low-Income Voters

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Citing clear evidence that Indiana public assistance agencies have violated their federally mandated responsibility to offer tens of thousands of clients the opportunity to register to vote each year, a coalition of voting rights groups filed suit today against officials in Indiana for violations of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Read more

Lawsuit Filed to Demand that New Mexico Jump-Start Voter Registration Efforts

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Citing clear evidence that New Mexico public assistance agencies and motor vehicle offices have violated their federally mandated responsibility to offer tens of thousands of New Mexicans each year the opportunity to register to vote, a coalition of voting rights groups filed suit today against officials in New Mexico for violations of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Read more

Missouri Department of Social Services Agrees to Settlement Ensuring Voter Registration Opportunities for Low-Income Voters

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Low-income voters in Missouri will see increased access to voter registration at Missouri public assistance offices as a result of a settlement agreement filed today in federal district court. Read more

Project Vote Denounces Minnesota Governor’s Veto of Motor Voter” Law”””

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On Thursday, May 21, Minnesota’s Republican governor Tim Pawlenty vetoed the 21st Century Voter Registration Law (HF1053/SF 0660), which would have expanded the popular “motor voter” law to provide automatic voter registration for any eligible Minnesotans who apply for or renew their driver’s licenses, instruction permits, or identification cards. Read more

New Project Vote Media Memo Assesses GOP’s Record of Voter Caging and Other So-Called “Ballot Security” Measures

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On November 3, 2008, on the eve of an historic defeat for the GOP, the Republican National Committee (RNC) quietly filed a motion to dissolve an existing consent decree that prohibits them from engaging in so-called “ballot-security” measures… Read more

Project Vote: RNC Wants to Renew its License to Suppress Voters

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On the eve of the November election, while the focus of the nation and the media were on the next day’s voting, the Republican National Committee (RNC) was quietly moving to ensure that, in future elections, they could benefit from voter caging, voter intimidation, and other dirty practices. Read more

Voting Rights Groups Urge Florida Governor to Oppose Unjustified and Harmful” Election Legislation”””

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Today Project Vote joined 37 other national and Florida-based civil rights organizations in urging Florida Governor Charlie Crist to oppose (and, if necessary, veto) proposed legislation that would "needlessly infringe on the voting rights of Floridians." Read more