
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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Victory for Voter Registration in Texas

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In a major victory for voting rights, today U.S. District Court Judge Gregg Costa ruled in favor of plaintiff Project Vote and its affiliate in Voting for America v Andrade and ordered the state of Texas to stop enforcing certain laws that restrict voter registration drives. Read more

National Voting Rights Organizations Begin Litigation to Enforce National Voter Registration Act in Pennsylvania

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Today the Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP) and ACTION United filed suit alleging that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has systematically failed to comply with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Read more

Project Vote Applauds Michigan Governor Snyder’s Veto of Voter Suppression Package

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Today, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan vetoed a package of voter suppression laws—including HB 5061, SB 754 and SB 803—passed by the state legislature. Project Vote Executive Director Michael Slater issued the following statement in response Read more

Voting Rights Organizations Challenge Florida Voter Purge Program

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Today, civil and voting rights organizations filed a lawsuit on behalf of Florida plaintiffs affected by Gov. Rick Scott's illegal voter purge program. Read more

Voting Rights Victory in Virginia

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Friday, after a two-year legal battle, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld a lower court’s ruling for the plaintiffs in Project Vote v. Long, a precedent-setting case brought by voting rights advocates to ensure the transparency of the voter registration and voter roll maintenance processes. Read more

Arkansas Failing to Offer Voter Registration to Low-Income Residents

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Citing clear evidence that low-income Arkansas residents have been denied the opportunity to register to vote, attorneys from voting rights groups Project Vote and Demos sent a pre-litigation notice letter regarding the state’s non-compliance with the federal requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Read more

Voting Rights Groups Move to Hold Alabama Accountable to Federal Voter Registration Law

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Today attorneys from Demos, Project Vote, and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law sent a pre-litigation notice letter to the Alabama Secretary of State on behalf of the Alabama State Conference of the NAACP. Read more

National Voting Rights Organizations Begin Litigation to Enforce National Voter Registration Act in Nevada

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On Monday, a coalition of national voting rights groups filed a Complaint against Secretary of State Ross Miller and Director of the department of Health & Human Services, Michael Willden in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada. Read more

Voting Rights Organizations Send Notice to Florida: Stop Purging Voters

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oday, a coaliton of civil and voting rights organizations sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, alerting him that Florida’s plan to identify and remove alleged non-citizens from the voter rolls violates federal law and must cease immediately. Read more

Massachusetts Citizen and Community Groups Sue Commonwealth for Failing to Provide Voter Registration Opportunities

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A lawsuit was filed today against the State of Massachusetts for violating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Read more