
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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237 results returned

Cleveland’s Latino Community Hosts Debate Watch Party: Religious and Community Leaders View and Analyze Debate

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Members of Cleveland’s Latino community will watch the final debate on foreign policy and discuss the issues that impact their lives.  Read more

Project Vote Statement on Restoration of Early Voting Hours in Hillsborough Co.

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After a year-long process, the federal court in Washington, DC has ordered five Florida counties—including Hillsborough, which contains the City of Tampa—to continue providing 96 hours of early voting in the upcoming election. Read more

Florida Assures Court that No Eligible Citizen Will Be Wrongfully Removed from Voter Rolls Before Election

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According to Secretary of State Detzner, “there is no chance that a citizen will be erroneously removed from the voter rolls before Election Day.” Read more

Fight Over Election Laws Continues in States and U.S. Congress

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Continuing a trend that began after the surge of participation seen in the 2008 presidential election, partisan lawmakers have continued to push legislation that could have a negative impact on voter participation, particularly among low-income Americans and people of color. Read more

National Latino Leaders Say, “It’s Our Time to Vote”

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With early voting underway in many parts of the country, Latino voters are expected to turn out in record numbers this year. Read more

LULAC Files Action Against Harris County To Stop Discriminatory Practices Aimed at Preventing Minorities from Voting

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Today, LULAC filed suit against Harris County in Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas maintaining that Harris County officials wrongly rejected voter applications through discriminatory practices against Latino and African American applicants. Read more

Voter registration ends Tuesday: Come register to vote and learn why voting matters

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Project Vote, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and the Congreso de Latinos Unidos invite the Philadelphia community to register to vote and get voter information this Tuesday from 10 AM to 1 PM at Congreso’s North Philadelphia location. Read more

As Close of Voter Registration Looms, Project Vote Asks Summit County Board of Elections to Process Applications on Time

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Today, voting rights group Project Vote wrote to Joseph Masich, director of the Summit County Board of Elections, to express concern that voter registration applications were not being processed in a timely manner. Read more

The Time is Now: Come Register to Vote and Learn Why Voting Matters

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Project Vote and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) invite the Miami community to Jimmy’z Kitchen to register to vote, get voter information, and enjoy treats this Saturday from 12 – 2 PM. Read more

Project Vote Continues to Fight for Texas Voters

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Earlier this month, Project Vote filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the justices to intervene and prevent the state from enforcing laws that place undue burdens on voter registration drive. Yesterday, the court denied the emergency appeal. Read more