
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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Nevada settles US lawsuit on behalf of low-income voters

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The state of Nevada has agreed to new training and reporting requirements to settle a federal lawsuit accusing its public assistance offices of failing to do enough to help low-income clients register to vote. Read more

Nevada settles lawsuit over registering low-income voters

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Voting rights advocates and the state of Nevada settled a lawsuit today over the state’s implementation of a federal law aimed at registering low-income voters. Read more

Nevada officials settle lawsuit with voting rights advocates

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Nevada officials have settled a lawsuit with voting rights advocates over making voter registration materials available to low-income and disabled clients. Read more

Coalition Secures Settlement That Expands Voter Registration Opportunities Across Nevada

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Project Vote and partners reach a settlement with the State of Nevada to ensure low-income citizens are provided voter registration services through public assistance agencies. Read more

Voting rights advocates: DMV is breaking the law by failing to register voters

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Voting rights advocates claim the state is violating a federal law enacted more than 20 years ago requiring the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to register voters. Read more

Voting rights group threatens Nevada with possible DMV lawsuit

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Voting rights advocates said Monday they have sent a pre-litigation notice letter to Nevada officials, warning that the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles is failing to meet its federally mandated voter registration obligations. Read more

Groups Threaten to Sue Nevada Over Longstanding Voting Rights Violations

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Project Vote and allies threaten a lawsuit if Nevada does not bring motor vehicle offices into compliance with the voter registration requirements of the NVRA. Read more

Department of Justice disowns EAC director’s move on proof of citizenship for voters

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Even the federal government says the director of a federal election agency erred when he allowed a group of red states to require proof of citizenship for those looking to vote. Read more

Groups Ask Court for Immediate Halt of Voting Restrictions

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Project Vote and partners file a motion to halt enforcement of proof-of-citizenship requirements on federal voter registration form in three states. Read more

Suit Filed Challenging Move to Require Voter Proof Of Citizenship In 3 States

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A lawsuit was filed challenging the surprise move by the head of a federal elections agency to require proof of citizenship to register to vote in three states. Read more