
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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New state auditor may change voting rules

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A newly elected state official is looking to change the voting system, but some say the push could disenfranchise potential voters and curb turnout. Read more

California Exceptionalism: Kamala Harris Makes It a Clean Democratic Sweep!

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According to an analysis of the 2010 mid-term elections by Project Vote, at the national level, the voters that put Barack Obama in the White House back in 2008 stayed home. Read more

Project Vote Releases New Analysis of Who Voted (and Who Didn’t) in 2010

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While the 2008 electorate was the most diverse in American history, and voters gave the majority of their votes to Democrats, the 2010 midterm election experienced unusually high participation from older and wealthier voters who strongly favored Republican candidates, according to a new analysis released today by Project Vote. Read more

The 2010 electorate: Old, white, rich and Republican

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The 2010 elections turned into a rout of the Democrats because the elderly and wealthy surged to the polls, according to a new report from Project Vote. Read more

It’s Not the End of the World — 7 Things Progressives Need to Keep in Mind About Last Night’s GOP ‘Wave’

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The GOP’s gains in last night’s elections are part of the predictable rebalancing that occurs between presidential elections, rather than ideological shifts in the electorate. Read more

Tea Party, GOP Groups, Target Minorities for Voter Suppression Schemes

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As the hotly contested November election nears, it should be no surprise that voter intimidation and suppression schemes are ramping up too.  Even beyond the usual partisan pre-election hysteria, this year the Tea Party has made "voter fraud" a rallying cry. Read more

Voter Groups Go to Court to Fight for Voting Rights of Private, Charter, and Public School Students

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he American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, Project Vote and the Fair Elections Legal Network today submitted a brief seeking to ensure that the Department of Education fulfill a twenty-five-year old mandate to protect the voting rights of private, charter, and public school students, which the DOE has thus-far failed to meet. Read more

Voter beware: Confusing letter from San Diego Registrar of Voters may discourage election turnout

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After reviewing a copy of the document, a lawyer with Project Vote in Washington, D.C. says the letter would discourage many voters from visiting the polls. Read more

Building Ranks of Young Voters, and Poll Workers

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A study, released last month by Project Vote, found that citizens under age 30 made up 21 percent of the adult citizen population in 2008, but only 17 percent of the voters. Read more

Hanging on to the youth vote

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The enthusiasm of the 2008 presidential election is lagging on a larger scale in 2010, especially for youth voters, according to Project Vote. Read more