
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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MI House Should Vote “No” on Voter Suppression Package

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The Michigan legislature is considering a package of bills that will create unnecessary hurdles for voters. Read more

Court Rules RNC Can’t Suppress Voters

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A three-judge panel has rejected the RNC's request to void an agreement over voter caging and other voter suppression activities. Read more

Colorado county clerks baffled by Gessler non-citizen voter registration claims

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Non-citizen voting is a fashionable political theme these days, but it has no basis in reality, said Project Vote attorney Estelle Rogers. Read more

Florida Voting Laws Challenged By Justice Department

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The Department of Justice filed court papers requesting a trial for new voting laws in Florida, some of which limit early voting and restrict the registration of new voters. Read more

Graham County prefers to vote: Arizona’s registered voters on the rise

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Arizona also showed one of the highest increases in voter registration in the nation at 66 percent in 2012. Read more

Michiganders want Integrity in the their Elections, Not Waste and Redundancy

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Michigan voters were surprised to see a new requirement before getting their ballots at the polls today for the Presidential Primary. Poll workers are asking properly registered voters to check a box declaring that the voter is a United States Citizen. Read more

Voting citizenship rule called ‘redundant’ waste of tax dollars

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Some citizen groups and nonprofits Tuesday expressed confusion and surprise over a new requirement at the polls that required voters to declare their citizenship Read more

Federal Appeals Court Rules That N.M. Violated Federal Law, Failing to Provide Voter Registration Applications to Public Assistance Clients

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The federal Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that the State of New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) violated Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) by improperly withholding voter registration applications from certain public assistance clients. Read more

For State Elections Officials, a Slow Move Online

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Project Vote has drafted proposals under which voters could register online and then supply their signature when voting, as is practiced for registering by mail. Read more

Group Files Suit Over Texas Voter Registration Law

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A national non-partisan group has filed a lawsuit to block new Texas laws that make it harder to register people to vote. Read more