
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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VIDEO: Voting Rights Groups Blast Florida’s Election Rolls Purge Of Suspected Non-Citizens

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Letters have already been mailed out to 2,600 Florida residents informing them they may be ineligible to vote. Read more

One woman’s experience in Florida’s targeting of noncitizen voters

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She's the prototypical Tampa Bay resident in many ways, but the State of Florida falsely accused her of not being a U.S. citizen. Read more

Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

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Florida officials made it clear Friday that the state will continue to purge as many as 182,000 suspected noncitizens from the state’s voter rolls -- despite a coalition's call to stop the process or prepare for court. Read more

Groups call on Florida to halt voter purge

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Six civil rights and voting rights organizations sent a letter Thursday to Secretary of State Ken Detzner asking him to stop the purge or he will risk a lawsuit. Read more

Voting Rights Organizations Send Notice to Florida: Stop Purging Voters

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oday, a coaliton of civil and voting rights organizations sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, alerting him that Florida’s plan to identify and remove alleged non-citizens from the voter rolls violates federal law and must cease immediately. Read more

House to vote on election law changes

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Patricia Selby, election counsel at Project Vote, said Republicans backing the measures haven’t cited examples of election fraud in Michigan.  Read more

Massachusetts Citizen and Community Groups Sue Commonwealth for Failing to Provide Voter Registration Opportunities

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A lawsuit was filed today against the State of Massachusetts for violating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Read more

OPINION: Legislators suppressed vote without evidence of fraud

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Florida is the voter-suppression capital of the United States. Read more

LDF and Project Vote Win Important Legal Victory for Public Assistance Recipients in Louisiana

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“The court’s ruling will ensure that low-income individuals will not be denied voter registration services because of advancing technology,” said Sarah Brannon of Project Vote. Read more

Federal Judge Rules that Louisiana Must Offer Voter Registration to Public Agency Clients

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Yesterday, voting rights advocates won an important legal victory that will ensure that Louisiana’s public assistance agency clients—the state’s poorest and most marginalized residents—will be offered an opportunity to register to vote.  Read more