
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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New voting purge lawsuit emerges

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A coalition of voting groups plan to file a lawsuit tomorrow over Gov. Rick Scott's non-citizen voting purge that has set off a dispute between the state and the Obama administration. Read more

New lawsuit challenges Florida voter purge

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The groups -- including Advancement Project, Fair Elections Legal Network, LatinoJustice PRLDEF and Project Vote -- have scheduled a Tuesday afternoon conference call to announce the lawsuit against Secretary of State Ken Detzner. Read more

Florida faces another lawsuit over voter purge

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Florida is again being sued over its contentious push to remove potentially ineligible voters from the rolls. Read more

Voter groups will sue Florida over non-citizen ‘purge’

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A coalition of national voter advocacy groups will file a lawsuit on Tuesday seeking to stop the state of Florida from "purging" the voter rolls of non-citizens. Read more

Alabama Departments Fail To Provide Voter Registration Materials When Required By Law

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According to national voting rights and civil rights groups, Alabama agencies are failing to follow a federal law requiring that state offices provide voter registration materials to residents who seek government assistance. Read more

Voting Rights Victory in Virginia

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Friday, after a two-year legal battle, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld a lower court’s ruling for the plaintiffs in Project Vote v. Long, a precedent-setting case brought by voting rights advocates to ensure the transparency of the voter registration and voter roll maintenance processes. Read more

OPINION: Legislature needs to try again

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The court heard about fears of voting fraud. It did not hear about voting fraud. Read more

Group says Ark. voter registration access lacking

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A Washington, D.C.-based group says Arkansas has denied low-income residents the opportunity to register to vote, and Secretary of State Mark Martin's office says he is looking into the claim. Read more

Voting Rights Organization Accuses Arkansas of Neglecting Proper Services

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"It is clear that Arkansas has been violating the NVRA for years and neglecting tens of thousands of low-income residents as a result." Read more

Arkansas Failing to Offer Voter Registration to Low-Income Residents

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Citing clear evidence that low-income Arkansas residents have been denied the opportunity to register to vote, attorneys from voting rights groups Project Vote and Demos sent a pre-litigation notice letter regarding the state’s non-compliance with the federal requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Read more