
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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RADIO: Federal judge holds back Texas voter registration laws

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"What the legislature's done now is to make it more difficult for people to help others get registered." said former governor Mark White Read more

Judge guts vote registration law

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A federal judge in Galveston on Thursday partially blocked new Texas registration laws that critics say amount to vote suppression because they prevent large voter registration drives. Read more

5 Voter Registration Provisions Focus of Injunction

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A federal judge on Thursday granted a temporary injunction against five state provisions that affect voter registration in Texas. Read more

Pennsylvania Facing Backlash for Voting Policies

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Project Vote is reporting that two groups have filed a lawsuit claiming that Pennsylvania has not complied with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Read more

Two groups file voter registration suit against Pennsylvania

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Two activist organizations today announced that they have sued three state agencies, saying they have failed to do their duty to offer voter registration forms to public assistance applicants. Read more

National Voting Rights Organizations Begin Litigation to Enforce National Voter Registration Act in Pennsylvania

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Today the Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP) and ACTION United filed suit alleging that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has systematically failed to comply with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Read more

Project Vote Applauds Michigan Governor Snyder’s Veto of Voter Suppression Package

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Today, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan vetoed a package of voter suppression laws—including HB 5061, SB 754 and SB 803—passed by the state legislature. Project Vote Executive Director Michael Slater issued the following statement in response Read more

GOP Michigan gov. vetoes voter ID laws

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The nonpartisan group Project Vote, meanwhile, applauded the Republican governor for "doing right by Michigan voters and taking an important stand against the current onslaught of voter suppression laws." Read more

Appeals court rules Virginia voter registration applications open for public inspection

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A voter advocacy group says a court ruling giving the public access to Virginia’s voter-registration applications has national implications. Read more

Project Vote hopes Governor Snyder will veto new voting regulations

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Patricia Selby with Project Vote says some of the changes could actually make it harder for organizations to help register voters. Read more