
Press releases and news stories concerning Project Vote’s work.

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526 results returned

Legislative Battles Over Voting Rights Continue in 2013

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In a report released today, voting rights organization Project Vote analyzes all of the voting related bills introduced, passed, or rejected across the country in the first quarter of 2013, and finds that the recent trend towards disenfranchisement continues. Read more

Voter Registration Should Be Simple, But in Arizona it is Not, Says Project Vote Executive Director

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"Voter registration should be a simple process for all eligible Americans, but in Arizona it is not. Arizona requires citizens to provide documentary proof of their citizenship." Read more

SCOTUS to Hear Important Case on the National Voter Registration Act

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While a great deal of attention has been focused recently on the U.S. Supreme Court’s consideration of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), another vitally important voting rights issue will be argued before the justices next week. Read more

Project Vote and League of Women Voters Call on Va. Gov. to Veto Harmful Bill

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Yesterday, Project Vote and the League of Women Voters of Virginia called on Governor Bob McDonnell to veto SB 1008, a piece of legislation that could have a disastrous impact on community voter registration drives in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Read more

Proposed Rules Would Harm Democracy in Virginia, Say Voting Rights Advocates

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Introduced earlier this month, Virginia House Bill 1747/Senate Bill 1008 could severely undermine the right of Virginia’s citizens to vote. Read more

Federal court finds election law violations in Louisiana

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“It’s a great day in Louisiana for voting rights.” Read more

Federal Court Rules That Louisiana Systemically Violated the NVRA

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On January 23, voting rights advocates won a major legal victory on behalf of Louisiana’s public assistance agency clients, the state’s most vulnerable and most marginalized residents. Read more

Judge: Agencies violated voter registration law

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A federal judge has ruled that Louisiana public assistance agencies have violated a law that requires them to provide applicants with voter registration forms regardless of whether the transaction is done in person or by mail, telephone or online. Read more

OPINION: The reason Texas thwarts registration drives

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Texas' restrictions on voter registration drives matter. And legal challenges to these are more than just academic exercises in social theory. Read more

Project Vote Applauds Congressional Leadership on Election Reform

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Yesterday, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) and U.S. Representative George Miller (D-Calif.) both introduced federal legislation designed to address the delays and problems millions of Americans endured at the polls on Election Day. Read more