Voting Policy

“We have to fix that,” President Obama said on Election Night 2012, following widespread reports of long lines at polling stations. In the beginning of 2014, a report from the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) recommended a number of common sense reforms to improve voting, including increasing opportunities for early voting.

Voting-LinesThere is a growing, bipartisan consensus that reform is needed. However, pro-voting reforms like early voting continue to meet strong partisan resistance, and many states continue to pass voter ID laws and other restrictions that place hurdles between eligible Americans and the ballot box. Meanwhile, millions of citizens—disproportionately Americans of color—are prevented from voting at all due to strict felony disenfranchisement laws.

Project Vote believes our democracy works best when everyone participates, and we work to implement common-sense reforms that make it easier, not harder, for every eligible American to cast a ballot that counts.

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433 results returned

Fear Tactics Used to Promote Voter Suppression in 2011

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This week, newly elected Republicans took office in several states, many of whom have big plans for the future of... Read more

Voter Fraud Myth Drives Voter ID Issue Into 2011

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“There’s this idea that dozens of people are coming to polling places every hour claiming to be someone else,” said... Read more

The Silent Majority: How False Mandates May Lead to Regressive Laws

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The people spoke on November 2, say conservatives who made gains in the House and Senate. However, all this talk... Read more

New state auditor may change voting rules

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A newly elected state official is looking to change the voting system, but some say the push could disenfranchise potential voters and curb turnout. Read more

Voter Suppression and Intimidation in 2010: Where’s the Outrage?

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It has been three days since the midterm elections, and in those three days there have been dozens of reports... Read more

Voter ID Adopted in Oklahoma, Debuted in Idaho on Tuesday

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Oklahoma voters will soon be required to show ID when heading to the polls after July 2011, thanks to a... Read more

Latino Voter Suppression: Past and Present

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A century ago, voter suppression took the form of Jim Crow laws that openly attempted to prevent African-Americans from voting.... Read more

Project Vote v. Madison County Board of Elections: Southern District of Ohio court opinion, GOP v. Brunner

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Court order granting Project Vote's request for a temporary restraining order. Read more

Tea Party, GOP Groups, Target Minorities for Voter Suppression Schemes

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As the hotly contested November election nears, it should be no surprise that voter intimidation and suppression schemes are ramping up too.  Even beyond the usual partisan pre-election hysteria, this year the Tea Party has made "voter fraud" a rallying cry. Read more

Voter Fraud Hysteria Leads to Fruitless Investigations, Voter Intimidation in Two States

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The conservative activists’ largely partisan voter fraud debate, as Ian Urbina at the New York Times wrote this morning, “is... Read more