Voting Policy

“We have to fix that,” President Obama said on Election Night 2012, following widespread reports of long lines at polling stations. In the beginning of 2014, a report from the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) recommended a number of common sense reforms to improve voting, including increasing opportunities for early voting.

Voting-LinesThere is a growing, bipartisan consensus that reform is needed. However, pro-voting reforms like early voting continue to meet strong partisan resistance, and many states continue to pass voter ID laws and other restrictions that place hurdles between eligible Americans and the ballot box. Meanwhile, millions of citizens—disproportionately Americans of color—are prevented from voting at all due to strict felony disenfranchisement laws.

Project Vote believes our democracy works best when everyone participates, and we work to implement common-sense reforms that make it easier, not harder, for every eligible American to cast a ballot that counts.

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Ohio Senate May Consider Photo ID Bill Tuesday; SOS Opposed to Measure

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The Ohio Senate may vote on photo ID bill, HB 159 tomorrow afternoon. The bill, as well as omnibus election... Read more

Photo ID Debate Continues in Ohio Senate Today

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Update, 10:55 a.m., PT: Photo ID bill HB 159 was recessed until a substitute bill is drafted. The committee will... Read more

Federal Court Revisits Restrictive Arizona Voter Registration Law

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Arizona’s “proof-of-citizenship” voter registration law is being revisited in a federal court. An 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit... Read more

Civil Rights Groups Ask Justice Department to Block Discriminatory Fla. Law

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Project Vote has joined the ACLU Voting Rights Project and the Florida ACLU in asking the Department of Justice to... Read more

ACLU, NAACP ask feds to block Fla. election law

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Opponents say the new law discriminates against black voters by reducing the number of early voting days from 14 to eight. Read more

Partisan Politics Lead Voter Suppression Debates

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As game-changing election bills glide through the state legislatures just before the 2012 elections, accusations of voter suppression tactics in... Read more

Election Reform Used to Attack Access to the Ballot

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Georgia Logothetis at Daily Kos writes how state lawmakers are “Using Election Reform to Decrease Turnout,” including laws to tighten... Read more

ACLU Sues to Stop Enforcement of New Election Law

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Project Vote and the ACLU sued Republican Gov. Rick Scott on Friday to stop implementation of a new elections law that critics say was written to discourage voters likely to support Democrats. Read more

Voting Rights Groups Speak Out Against Regressive Election Bills in Ohio

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Today, Project Vote joined more than 40 civil rights, labor, and youth organizations in protest of proposed election bills that... Read more

More details of lawsuit challenging Scott, Browning on election rules overhaul

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The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida and Project Vote, a national voting rights group, filed suit in federal court Friday to challenge the implementation of Florida’s controversial new election law. Read more