Voting Policy

“We have to fix that,” President Obama said on Election Night 2012, following widespread reports of long lines at polling stations. In the beginning of 2014, a report from the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) recommended a number of common sense reforms to improve voting, including increasing opportunities for early voting.

Voting-LinesThere is a growing, bipartisan consensus that reform is needed. However, pro-voting reforms like early voting continue to meet strong partisan resistance, and many states continue to pass voter ID laws and other restrictions that place hurdles between eligible Americans and the ballot box. Meanwhile, millions of citizens—disproportionately Americans of color—are prevented from voting at all due to strict felony disenfranchisement laws.

Project Vote believes our democracy works best when everyone participates, and we work to implement common-sense reforms that make it easier, not harder, for every eligible American to cast a ballot that counts.

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MI House Should Vote “No” on Voter Suppression Package

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The Michigan legislature is considering a package of bills that will create unnecessary hurdles for voters. Read more

Court Rules RNC Can’t Suppress Voters

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A three-judge panel has rejected the RNC's request to void an agreement over voter caging and other voter suppression activities. Read more

Wisconsin Voter ID Law Temporarily Blocked; Judge Calls it ‘Needless’

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Wisconsin voters will not need to show ID to vote in the April 3 primary and local general election, thanks... Read more

Florida Voting Laws Challenged By Justice Department

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The Department of Justice filed court papers requesting a trial for new voting laws in Florida, some of which limit early voting and restrict the registration of new voters. Read more

Michiganders want Integrity in the their Elections, Not Waste and Redundancy

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Michigan voters were surprised to see a new requirement before getting their ballots at the polls today for the Presidential Primary. Poll workers are asking properly registered voters to check a box declaring that the voter is a United States Citizen. Read more

Voting citizenship rule called ‘redundant’ waste of tax dollars

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Some citizen groups and nonprofits Tuesday expressed confusion and surprise over a new requirement at the polls that required voters to declare their citizenship Read more

South Carolina Report Finds No Evidence Dead Voters

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An initial review of South Carolina’s allegedly dead voters has been released today, finding no evidence of voter fraud from... Read more

Missouri House Approves Photo Voter ID Bill

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Yesterday, the Missouri House adopted a photo voter ID bill that, if approved by the Senate, would go into effect... Read more

Voter ID Proposals Die in New Mexico

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Three proposals to require citizens to present photo ID to cast a regular ballot were blocked yesterday on a 3-2... Read more

Democrats Successfully Killed Voter ID Legislation in New Mexico

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A bill that would require all New Mexico voters to present certain forms of photo identification or be barred from voting died in committee today. Read more