Voting Policy

“We have to fix that,” President Obama said on Election Night 2012, following widespread reports of long lines at polling stations. In the beginning of 2014, a report from the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) recommended a number of common sense reforms to improve voting, including increasing opportunities for early voting.

Voting-LinesThere is a growing, bipartisan consensus that reform is needed. However, pro-voting reforms like early voting continue to meet strong partisan resistance, and many states continue to pass voter ID laws and other restrictions that place hurdles between eligible Americans and the ballot box. Meanwhile, millions of citizens—disproportionately Americans of color—are prevented from voting at all due to strict felony disenfranchisement laws.

Project Vote believes our democracy works best when everyone participates, and we work to implement common-sense reforms that make it easier, not harder, for every eligible American to cast a ballot that counts.

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Group Asks Florida Lawmakers to Fix Voting System

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This week, a group of voting rights and civil rights advocates, including Project Vote, wrote to the Florida Senate Community... Read more

Letter to the Florida Senate Community Affairs Committee regarding SB 600

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Project Vote submitted a letter to the Florida Senate Ethics and Elections Committee, expressing concerns with election reform legislation, SB 600. The issues relate to early voting, voter registration portability, and other issues. Read more

Where Voter ID is Required To Cast a Regular Ballot

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Map by National Conference of State Legislatures via Washington Post Strict photo voter ID laws are popular in state legislatures.... Read more

Three months, 30 states, 55 new voting restrictions

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It is, as Project Vote's Erin Ferns Lee put it, "an onslaught." Read more

New Voter Suppression Efforts Prove Voting Rights Act Still Needed

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According to a report by Project Vote, 55 new voting restrictions have been introduced in 30 states so far this year. Read more

Legislative Battles Over Voting Rights Continue in 2013

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In a report released today, voting rights organization Project Vote analyzes all of the voting related bills introduced, passed, or rejected across the country in the first quarter of 2013, and finds that the recent trend towards disenfranchisement continues. Read more

Testimony Regarding Florida Election Bill SB 600 to the Florida State Senate Ethics and Elections Committee

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Project Vote submitted testimony to the Florida Senate Ethics and Elections Committee, expressing concerns with election reform legislation, SB 600. The issues relate to early voting, voter registration portability, and other issues. Read more

Restoring Voting Rights

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In my experience, most Americans believe in second chances. Yet, in the voting rights world, we have a glaring contradiction.... Read more

Congress Holds Hearing on State of Voting Rights

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Today, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing to address The State of the Right to Vote After... Read more

Va. House Proposes to Narrow List of Accepted Voter ID

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CORRECTION, Nov. 21, 2012, 8:50 p.m. PT: Updated to clarify that 5% of provisional voters, not all voters, cast provisional... Read more