Voting Policy

“We have to fix that,” President Obama said on Election Night 2012, following widespread reports of long lines at polling stations. In the beginning of 2014, a report from the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) recommended a number of common sense reforms to improve voting, including increasing opportunities for early voting.

Voting-LinesThere is a growing, bipartisan consensus that reform is needed. However, pro-voting reforms like early voting continue to meet strong partisan resistance, and many states continue to pass voter ID laws and other restrictions that place hurdles between eligible Americans and the ballot box. Meanwhile, millions of citizens—disproportionately Americans of color—are prevented from voting at all due to strict felony disenfranchisement laws.

Project Vote believes our democracy works best when everyone participates, and we work to implement common-sense reforms that make it easier, not harder, for every eligible American to cast a ballot that counts.

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EDITORIAL: Transparent voter suppression

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It was a banner year for voter suppression in Texas. Read more

Real voter fraud not about IDs

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The remarkable thing about voter fraud — meaning the kind in which voters misrepresent themselves — is there is so little of it. Read more

North Carolina Governor Signs Voter Suppression Law

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Today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed one of the nation’s most sweeping voter suppression laws. Read more

North Carolina H.B. 589: Putting Up Barriers for Voters Who Move

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This week, the North Carolina General Assembly presented to Governor McCrory House Bill No. 589, an omnibus election administration bill... Read more

Voter Suppression Bill to Be Heard in N.C. Senate

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Today, an exhaustingly restrictive election bill is being debated by the North Carolina Senate Rules Committee. Initially a strict voter... Read more

Project Vote Statement on North Carolina Voter Suppression Bill

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"North Carolina’s senate leadership has taken a bad bill and made it immeasurably worse…" Read more

Post-racial and Post-Section 4

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At the signing of the 2006 reauthorization of the VRA, after its unanimous approval by the Senate, George W. Bush... Read more

Voting Rights Act Ruling a Setback for Our Great Democracy

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Today’s ruling is a significant setback for voting rights in our great democracy. The Voting Rights Act remains one of the most important achievements of the civil rights movement, and for almost 50 years has been a vital tool to protect real voters from losing their right to cast a ballot.  Read more

Florida Takes a Step Forward But Misses the Opportunity to Truly Fix Voting Issues

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Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a law Monday that was a step forward in addressing the state’s broken election system... Read more

Minnesota Lawmakers Inch Forward on Voting Rights But More Work Needs to be Done, say Voting Rights Groups

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The Minnesota House passed modest reforms to Minnesota’s election systems, but civil and voting rights advocates caution that more work is necessary. Read more