Common-Sense Convenience
The idea that Election Day can only be the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November seems to be a thing of the past. The busy and complicated lives of American voters have demanded other choices.
Many states have expanded opportunities to vote before Election Day, in order to accommodate voters’ schedules and in the hope of increasing turnout by making voting more convenient.
These conveniences have proven popular with voters and election officials alike. They help prevent long lines on Election Day, reduce the burden on Election Day pollworkers, and have the potential to increase turnout and expand the electorate, particularly among minority voters.
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Project Vote Statement on North Carolina Ruling
Project Vote's president, Michael Slater, issues a statement on the striking down of North Carolina's infamous voter suppression law. Read more
Both Lawmakers and Citizens Push for Voting Reforms Before 2016 Election

In 2015, nonpartisan voting rights group Project Vote monitored 315 bills, introduced by state and federal lawmakers, that could change the way people vote in 2016 and beyond. Read more
Voting Rights Proposals Could Affect 2016 Elections

Since January, lawmakers on the state and federal levels have introduced over 180 bills that would change state and federal voting laws. Read more
Voter Empowerment Act would Improve Elections for Both Voters and Officials
Today, the Voter Empowerment Act (VEA) was introduced in the House of Representatives. Estelle Rogers, legislative director for Project Vote, issued the following statement in support of this important legislation. Read more
What Kind of Year Has It Been for Election Laws?
With Americans heading to the polls in just four weeks, a new report from voting rights group Project Vote shows that many beneficial election reforms were proposed in 2014, but few voters will find it easier to cast a ballot on November 4. Read more
In Election Legislation, Many Proposals but Few Solutions
Today, Project Vote released a new report analyzing the legislative landscape in 2014, and assessing the ground gained and lost so far in the war over voting rights. Read more
Project Vote Applauds Introduction of Bi-Partisan Bill to Restore the Protections of the Voting Rights Act
Today, Congressmen James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and John Conyers (D-MI), and Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT), introduced a bipartisan update to the Voting Rights Act. Read more
Project Vote Statement on North Carolina Voter Suppression Bill
"North Carolina’s senate leadership has taken a bad bill and made it immeasurably worse…" Read more
Voting Rights Act Ruling a Setback for Our Great Democracy
Today’s ruling is a significant setback for voting rights in our great democracy. The Voting Rights Act remains one of the most important achievements of the civil rights movement, and for almost 50 years has been a vital tool to protect real voters from losing their right to cast a ballot. Read more
Minnesota Lawmakers Inch Forward on Voting Rights But More Work Needs to be Done, say Voting Rights Groups
The Minnesota House passed modest reforms to Minnesota’s election systems, but civil and voting rights advocates caution that more work is necessary. Read more