The Future of American Democracy

Despite significant gains in voter turnout over the last decade, young people still lag behind in terms of representation within the American electorate, and are among the populations most vulnerable to voting rights rollbacks.
The fundamental fact of our electoral process is that one cannot vote if one is not registered. The first step in ensuring that young people cease to be underrepresented in the electorate is to institutionalize access to voter registration.
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Both Lawmakers and Citizens Push for Voting Reforms Before 2016 Election

In 2015, nonpartisan voting rights group Project Vote monitored 315 bills, introduced by state and federal lawmakers, that could change the way people vote in 2016 and beyond. Read more
Beyer, Ellison Celebrate National Voter Registration Month with New Bill

Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) and Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), with Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), celebrated National Voter Registration Month today by introducing the Pre-Registration of Voters Everywhere (PROVE) Act. Read more
Voting Rights Proposals Could Affect 2016 Elections

Since January, lawmakers on the state and federal levels have introduced over 180 bills that would change state and federal voting laws. Read more
Project Vote Statement on North Carolina Voter Suppression Bill
"North Carolina’s senate leadership has taken a bad bill and made it immeasurably worse…" Read more
Voting Rights Organizations Applaud Court’s Mandate Protecting Private School Student Voting Rights
The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, Project Vote, and the Fair Elections Legal Network today applauded the New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division’ decision holding that the New Jersey State Board of Education failed to meet an obligation for all eligible students to receive voting materials and instruction by failing to create regulations governing those rights of private and charter school students. Read more
Voter Groups Go to Court to Fight for Voting Rights of Private, Charter, and Public School Students
he American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, Project Vote and the Fair Elections Legal Network today submitted a brief seeking to ensure that the Department of Education fulfill a twenty-five-year old mandate to protect the voting rights of private, charter, and public school students, which the DOE has thus-far failed to meet. Read more
The Sierra Club and Voting for America Announce Partnership to Help Register Young Americans in 2010
Today the Sierra Club, America's oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization, and Voting for America, an affiliate of the voting rights nonprofit Project Vote, announced a new nonpartisan initiative to help over 50,000 students of community and four-year colleges in seven states register to vote for the 2010 election. Read more
Project Vote Joins Petition for High School Registration Regulations in New Jersey
The Department of the Public Advocate has joined a coalition of voting rights groups to file papers with the State Board of Education today proposing new regulations aimed at ramping up voter registration efforts in New Jersey schools. Read more
Project Vote’s Youth Registration Efforts a Success
A national effort to increase Election Day participation among young voters was a success in Springfield, Mass. this week, according to an abc40 report. Read more