The Future of American Democracy

Despite significant gains in voter turnout over the last decade, young people still lag behind in terms of representation within the American electorate, and are among the populations most vulnerable to voting rights rollbacks.
The fundamental fact of our electoral process is that one cannot vote if one is not registered. The first step in ensuring that young people cease to be underrepresented in the electorate is to institutionalize access to voter registration.
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Opinion: Reforming election process can improve voter turnout
Project Vote and partners illustrate why Pennsylvania, where fewer than a quarter of registered voters turned out to vote in November, needs to update its voting system. Read more
Opinion: Many founding fathers ‘millennials’ of their day
Much can be gleaned from a report recently released by the nonprofit Project Vote on enfranchising America’s youth. Read more
States Push to Make Voting More Convenient
In 2014, state legislatures considered almost four times as many proposals that eliminate barriers to voting as ones that create them. Read more
Young Americans Turned Apathetic By Washington Squabbling, Bad Economy
In a phenomenon that threatens to repeat itself this fall, many discontented young people sat out the 2010 midterm elections… Read more
How Florida’s new elections law may impact the youth vote
This week, a New Smyrna Beach high school teacher becoming embroiled in possible legal problems because she preregistered high school students to vote. Read more
The 26th Amendment was certified 30 years ago
The nonprofit Project Vote reported that only 49 percent of American 18-year-olds were registered to vote in 2008. Read more
Building Ranks of Young Voters, and Poll Workers
A study, released last month by Project Vote, found that citizens under age 30 made up 21 percent of the adult citizen population in 2008, but only 17 percent of the voters. Read more
Hanging on to the youth vote
The enthusiasm of the 2008 presidential election is lagging on a larger scale in 2010, especially for youth voters, according to Project Vote. Read more
Getting Youth to Vote
We need to be recognized, there needs to be a change, said 18 year old, Kory Rainville, a newly registered voter. The idea of change is what brought a group of students from Springfield's High School of Commerce together, and those that were eligible registered to vote. Read more