The Future of American Democracy

Despite significant gains in voter turnout over the last decade, young people still lag behind in terms of representation within the American electorate, and are among the populations most vulnerable to voting rights rollbacks.
The fundamental fact of our electoral process is that one cannot vote if one is not registered. The first step in ensuring that young people cease to be underrepresented in the electorate is to institutionalize access to voter registration.
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New Census Report Shows Voter Participation Trends in U.S.
Recent U.S. census data, culled from a survey of 50,000 households, underscores a lot of the patterns that election-watchers have... Read more
Time Magazine: When Voter Registration is a Crime
Another Florida high school teacher is facing a $1,000 fine for helping her students register to vote in violation of... Read more
How Florida’s new elections law may impact the youth vote
This week, a New Smyrna Beach high school teacher becoming embroiled in possible legal problems because she preregistered high school students to vote. Read more
St. Petersburg Times: Promoting Civic Involvement Shouldn’t Be a Crime
Earlier this week, we blogged about Jill Cicciarelli, a high school teacher in Florida who faced serious fines for helping 50... Read more
New Election Law Blocks High School Voter Registration Drive
A high school civics teacher in Florida may face thousands of dollars in fines for organizing a voter registration drive... Read more
Clearing Confusion About Voter ID in Wisconsin
Today, the League of Women Voters released a report that used this summer’s recall elections as an example of what... Read more
Weekly Voting Rights News Roundup
The Republican effort to make it harder for certain people to vote–particularly the new voters that turned out in 2008–was... Read more
New Restrictive Laws Block the Youth Vote
The recent effort to make it harder for Americans to vote in 2012 hits the youth populations in Wisconsin and... Read more
Younger Teens Can Register to Vote in Some States Too
The 2012 election season is already beginning to heat up and with that, we can expect more citizens to register to... Read more
Restrictive Election Bills Gain Traction in 2011, But Not Without a Fight
Today, Project Vote released the second installment in our ongoing Election Legislation Threats and Opportunities Assessment series that examines proposed... Read more