The Future of American Democracy

Despite significant gains in voter turnout over the last decade, young people still lag behind in terms of representation within the American electorate, and are among the populations most vulnerable to voting rights rollbacks.
The fundamental fact of our electoral process is that one cannot vote if one is not registered. The first step in ensuring that young people cease to be underrepresented in the electorate is to institutionalize access to voter registration.
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Legislative Threats and Opportunities: Spring 2015

To date in 2015, lawmakers in 24 states have proposed at least 52 bills that threaten voting rights, while lawmakers in 36 states have proposed to improve election administration in some way... Read more
Voting Rights Proposals Could Affect 2016 Elections

Since January, lawmakers on the state and federal levels have introduced over 180 bills that would change state and federal voting laws. Read more
Indiana Election Bill Could be Confusing for Students
An omnibus election bill that is moving through the Indiana legislature could pose a risk of intimidating student voters. Read more
What Kind of Year Has It Been for Election Laws?
WASHINGTON, DC — With Americans heading to the polls in just four weeks, a new report from voting rights group... Read more
Make Voting EASY
Recently, five forward-looking members of Congress introduced the “Equal Access to Support Youth Voting Act” or “EASY” (H.R. 5144). It... Read more
Opinion: Many founding fathers ‘millennials’ of their day
Much can be gleaned from a report recently released by the nonprofit Project Vote on enfranchising America’s youth. Read more
States Push to Make Voting More Convenient
In 2014, state legislatures considered almost four times as many proposals that eliminate barriers to voting as ones that create them. Read more
Study: Voter Suppression Law Most Affects Black Voters
North Carolina’s monster voter suppression law disproportionately affects Black voters’ access to the ballot, according to a new study by... Read more
Ballot Access Bill Passes Massachusetts Senate
The Massachusetts Senate overwhelmingly approved an omnibus election bill that would improve access to the ballot yesterday. Read more
Voter ID and Same-Day Registration Laws Affect Youth Participation, Says Report
A new report by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement examines challenges to youth voter... Read more