Protecting Voter Registration Drives
Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. While there are other ways to reach the tens of millions of underrepresented Americans, no substitute exists for the patriotic act of canvassing our country’s neighborhoods to help community members register to vote.
However, in recent years voter registration efforts have faced growing resistance and attack from partisan forces opposed to expanding the franchise. States have increasingly imposed severe restrictions on drive activities, threatening to make voter registration efforts prohibitively expensive and risky in many states.
Project Vote is dedicated to protecting this vital legacy of the Civil Rights movement, and ensuring that voter registration drives can continue to operate unimpeded by threat of persecution and unfair administrative restrictions.
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With Hurricane Matthew Battering the Southern Coast, Project Vote Calls on State Officials to Extend Voter Registration Deadlines
On Thursday, October 6, Florida Governor Rick Scott stated that the state has no intention of extending the voter registration... Read more
Voting Rights Proposals Could Affect 2016 Elections

Since January, lawmakers on the state and federal levels have introduced over 180 bills that would change state and federal voting laws. Read more
On National Voter Registration Day, a Look at How States Restrict Voter Registration
As America celebrates National Voter Registration Day, voting rights group Project Vote has released a new report examining the restrictions many states have imposed on efforts to help eligible citizens become registered voters. Read more
Project Vote Receives over $50,000 from CREDO for Voting Rights Work
CREDO, America’s only progressive phone company, announced today that it is donating $57,589 to Project Vote for the group’s work in 2014 to ensure that every eligible American can register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts. Read more
Project Vote Pursues En Banc Hearing for Texas Voter Registration Case
“Texas makes it harder than any other state to help eligible citizens register to vote,” says Michael Slater, executive director of Project Vote. “It’s no surprise then that Texas also has one of the lowest rates of voter participation in the country." Read more
Fill Out Full Virginia State Voter Registration Form, Advise Voting Rights Advocates
A spot check of rejected voter registration applications in the state of Virginia found that a large percentage of applications had been rejected because applicants had overlooked an easily missed section on the state voter registration form. Read more
SCOTUS Sides with Landmark Voter Registration Law
Supreme Court's decision is a strong affirmation of the NVRA, but likely sets up further litigation about voter registration. Read more
Proposed Election Rules Create New Hurdles for Voter Registration and Risk Improper Voter Roll Purges
The Indiana legislature yesterday passed election rules that will make it more difficult to register to vote, and increase the risk of improper purges, according to national voting rights group Project Vote. Read more
Project Vote and League of Women Voters Call on Va. Gov. to Veto Harmful Bill
Yesterday, Project Vote and the League of Women Voters of Virginia called on Governor Bob McDonnell to veto SB 1008, a piece of legislation that could have a disastrous impact on community voter registration drives in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Read more
Proposed Rules Would Harm Democracy in Virginia, Say Voting Rights Advocates
Introduced earlier this month, Virginia House Bill 1747/Senate Bill 1008 could severely undermine the right of Virginia’s citizens to vote. Read more