Voter Registration Drives

Protecting Voter Registration Drives

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. While there are other ways to reach the tens of millions of underrepresented Americans, no substitute exists for the patriotic act of canvassing our country’s neighborhoods to help community members register to vote.

Canvasser Talks to a VoterHowever, in recent years voter registration efforts have faced growing resistance and attack from partisan forces opposed to expanding the franchise. States have increasingly imposed severe restrictions on drive activities, threatening to make voter registration efforts prohibitively expensive and risky in many states.

Project Vote is dedicated to protecting this vital legacy of the Civil Rights movement, and ensuring that voter registration drives can continue to operate unimpeded by threat of persecution and unfair administrative restrictions.

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Testimony on 2011 Michigan Election Reform Bills, SB 751, SB 754, SB 803.

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A coalition of voting rights groups submitted testimony in opposition to SB 754, SB 751, SB 803 (2011) to the Michigan Senate Committee on Elections on November 30, 2011. Read more

Time Magazine: When Voter Registration is a Crime

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Another Florida high school teacher is facing a $1,000 fine for helping her students register to vote in violation of... Read more

How Florida’s new elections law may impact the youth vote

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This week, a New Smyrna Beach high school teacher becoming embroiled in possible legal problems because she preregistered high school students to vote. Read more

St. Petersburg Times: Promoting Civic Involvement Shouldn’t Be a Crime

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Earlier this week, we blogged about Jill Cicciarelli, a high school teacher in Florida who faced serious fines for helping 50... Read more

Election Reform Claims Don’t Pass Muster

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Remember that game where a message is passed from person to person (usually they’re girls, as I’ve observed), and the... Read more

New Election Law Blocks High School Voter Registration Drive

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A high school civics teacher in Florida may face thousands of dollars in fines for organizing a voter registration drive... Read more

Restrictive Voter Registration Proposal Considered in Michigan

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Senate Bill 754 is one of a series of bills introduced this year with the purpose of making it harder... Read more

29 interveners join Fla. election law challenge

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Civil rights groups and labor unions are among 29 interveners joining Florida's election law case as defendants. Read more

Calif. Gov. Addresses Proposed Changes in Voter Registration Law

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California Governor Jerry Brown addressed key changes to state voter registration law Friday, just before his deadline to approve new... Read more

Fla. wants end to federal oversight of elections

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Florida's top elections official today challenged federal oversight of state elections as part of an earlier lawsuit seeking approval of portions of a Republican-sponsored election law. Read more