Voter Registration Drives

Protecting Voter Registration Drives

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. While there are other ways to reach the tens of millions of underrepresented Americans, no substitute exists for the patriotic act of canvassing our country’s neighborhoods to help community members register to vote.

Canvasser Talks to a VoterHowever, in recent years voter registration efforts have faced growing resistance and attack from partisan forces opposed to expanding the franchise. States have increasingly imposed severe restrictions on drive activities, threatening to make voter registration efforts prohibitively expensive and risky in many states.

Project Vote is dedicated to protecting this vital legacy of the Civil Rights movement, and ensuring that voter registration drives can continue to operate unimpeded by threat of persecution and unfair administrative restrictions.

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Another Victory for Voter Registration in Texas: Judge Denies State’s Motion to Stay His Ruling

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Today U.S. District Court Judge Gregg Costa upheld his earlier opinion in favor of plaintiff Project Vote and its affiliate in Voting for America v Andrade.   Read more

Judge denies state’s stay in voter registration case

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A federal judge in Galveston today denied the state’s request for a stay that would have allowed Texas to enforce several of its voter registration laws. Read more

Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Order Modifying Preliminary Injunction and Denying Motion for Stay

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Order modifying preliminary injunction and denying motion for stay Read more

Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Modified Preliminary Injunction

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Modified preliminary injunction Read more

Judge deliberating Texas voter registration law

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Galveston is ground zero in a battle over who can help register residents to vote, Read more

Portions of Texas Voter Registration Law Thrown Out by Court

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“The Texas regime is restrictive, and uniquely so,” US. District Judge Costa wrote Read more

Victory for Voter Registration in Texas

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In a major victory for voting rights, today U.S. District Court Judge Gregg Costa ruled in favor of plaintiff Project Vote and its affiliate in Voting for America v Andrade and ordered the state of Texas to stop enforcing certain laws that restrict voter registration drives. Read more

RADIO: Federal judge holds back Texas voter registration laws

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"What the legislature's done now is to make it more difficult for people to help others get registered." said former governor Mark White Read more

Judge guts vote registration law

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A federal judge in Galveston on Thursday partially blocked new Texas registration laws that critics say amount to vote suppression because they prevent large voter registration drives. Read more

Victory for Voter Registration in Texas

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In a major victory for voting rights, today U.S. District Court Judge Gregg Costa ruled in favor of plaintiff Project... Read more