Voter Registration Drives

Protecting Voter Registration Drives

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. While there are other ways to reach the tens of millions of underrepresented Americans, no substitute exists for the patriotic act of canvassing our country’s neighborhoods to help community members register to vote.

Canvasser Talks to a VoterHowever, in recent years voter registration efforts have faced growing resistance and attack from partisan forces opposed to expanding the franchise. States have increasingly imposed severe restrictions on drive activities, threatening to make voter registration efforts prohibitively expensive and risky in many states.

Project Vote is dedicated to protecting this vital legacy of the Civil Rights movement, and ensuring that voter registration drives can continue to operate unimpeded by threat of persecution and unfair administrative restrictions.

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Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Emergency Application to Vacate the Fifth Circuit’s Stay Pending Appeal

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Emergency application to vacate the Fifth Circuit's stay pending appeal Read more

Project Vote Appeals Texas Voter Registration Case to U.S. Supreme Court

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Today, with little over three weeks left before the close of voter registration in Texas, attorneys for Project Vote filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the justices to intervene and prevent the state from enforcing laws that place undue burdens on voter registration drives. Read more

Group Looks to SCOTUS to Stop Voter Registration Laws

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Project Vote filed an emergency appeal with the nation’s highest court, hoping it will overturn an appellate court’s decision it says hinders voter registration in Texas. Read more

Three ways the GOP has disenfranchised voters

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What follows are three ways Republicans have already impacted voting in 2012. Read more

Voter registration drives using data mining to target their efforts, avoid restrictive laws

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Some organizations are turning to sophisticated data mining, direct mail, the Internet and other strategies to register voters typically underrepresented on the rolls, including young people and ethnic minorities. Read more

Voter Suppression: The Confederacy Rises Again

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Eight of eleven states in the former Confederacy have passed restrictive voting laws since the 2010 election, as part of a broader war on voting undertaken by the GOP. Read more

It is Harder to Vote in America than it was in 2008

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Voting has become more difficult in the last four years, says a new report from the nonprofit voting rights organization... Read more

It is Harder to Vote in America than it was in 2008

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Voting has become more difficult in the last four years, says a new report from the nonprofit voting rights organization Project Vote. Read more

Obstacles abound in voter registration drives

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How restrictive Texas can be on these voter registration drives is the subject of a federal court case in Galveston. Read more

Judge Upholds Voter Registration Decision in Texas

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Today U.S. District Court Judge Gregg Costa upheld his earlier opinion in favor of plaintiff Project Vote and its affiliate... Read more