Protecting Eligible Voters
Coinciding with the nation’s tense immigration debate of recent years is a strong belief among certain partisans that undocumented people are somehow undermining the democratic process.
Instances of non-citizens attempting to cast a ballot are extremely rare, but this drummed up fear has real consequences: it excludes legitimate voters who do not have documentary proof of citizenship, such as seniors, students living away from home, or married people who adopt the surname of their spouses.
Further, proof-of-citizenship policies essentially quash community-based voter registration drives, which are responsible for reaching large numbers of potential voters at markets, churches, and other public places where one is unlikely to carry birth certicates and passports.
Ensuring that eligible Americans are not prevented from registering and voting due to unnecessary and discriminatory bureaucratic hurdles like proof-of-citizenship requirements is one of Project Vote’s key missions.
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Project Vote Testimony on Virginia Proof of Citizenship Bill HB 1598
Project Vote submitted testimony in opposition of proof of citizenship bill HB 1598 to the House Privileges and Elections Committee, Elections Subcommittee on January 24, 2017. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

With this new wave of hostility toward the democratic process, we can expect to see fewer viable legislative efforts to modernize election administration, and more egregious efforts to block the vote. Read more
How Voter Fraud Claims Justify Voter Suppression After the Election

Instead of building safeguards and protecting eligible Americans’ right to vote, these lawmakers and partisans are using the last weeks of 2016 to willfully try to weaken our democracy. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

While advocates and lawmakers have slowly worked over the last 50-plus years to make the democratic process more inclusive, efficient, and modern, the future of voting rights remains uncertain under Trump. Read more
League of Women Voters v. Newby: Opinion in Order Granting Preliminary Injunction
The U.S. Court of Appeals released its opinion to accompany the Sept. 9 order granting a preliminary injunction to prevent proof-of-citizenship requirements being added to the federal voter registration form. Read more
Appeals court nixes proof of citizenship for voting in Georgia

by Kristina Torres, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution A federal appeals court ruling late Friday blocked Georgia and two other states from... Read more
Appeals court strikes down proof-of-citizenship voting requirement in 3 states

A victory for Project Vote and partners in our lawsuit to prevent improper proof-of-citizenship requirements in three states. Read more
League of Women Voters v. Newby: Order Overturning Denial of Preliminary Injunction
The U.S. Court of Appeals overturned issued this order preliminarily enjoining changing the federal voter registration form to allow Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia to require documentary proof of citizenship. Read more
U.S. appeals court to hear challenge to proof-of-citizenship voting requirement

With the election two months away, Project Vote and partners ask a federal appeals court panel to block enforcement of EAC director's illegal proof-of-citizenship guidelines. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

In 2016, the trend in voting bills has been towards modernizing the voter registration process to make voting more accessible. But the threat from lawmakers to pass laws that make it harder for citizens to vote remains, and this will be the first election cycle in fifty years without the protections of the Voting Rights Act. Read more