In 49 out of 50 states, participating in the American democratic process requires an important first step: registering to vote.
Throughout American history, however, voter registration has frequently been used as a bureaucratic hurdle placed between eligible Americans and the ballot box.
That’s why Project Vote works across the country to ensure simple, fair, equitable voter registration policies that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to register to vote.
From fighting laws that place unfair restrictions on community-based voter registration drives, to advocating for innovations like Automatic Voter Registration, Online Registration, Same-Day Registration, and Permanent-Portable Registration, Project Vote wants to make sure that every eligible American can register to vote.
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With Hurricane Matthew Battering the Southern Coast, Project Vote Calls on State Officials to Extend Voter Registration Deadlines
On Thursday, October 6, Florida Governor Rick Scott stated that the state has no intention of extending the voter registration... Read more
Texas’s Voter-Registration Laws Are Straight Out of the Jim Crow Playbook

Ari Berman discusses how "Texas treats voter registration like a criminal offense and makes it as difficult as possible to do." Read more
Georgia Says It Will Allow Tens of Thousands of Previously-Rejected Voters to Cast Ballots This November
Tens of thousands of eligible Georgia voters whose voter registrations had been canceled or were at risk of being canceled will be able to cast a ballot this November, according to a letter filed with a federal court. Read more
The Truth Behind Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law

The truth behind Wisconsin’s voter ID law is a thinly veiled effort to keep some citizens from casting a ballot. But Project Vote partners are working to help. Read more
Georgia NAACP v. Kemp (2016): Order Granting Motion to Withdraw PI
Court order granting plaintiff's motion to withdraw motion for a preliminary injunction, in light of defendant's good faith concessions. Read more
Georgia NAACP v. Kemp (2016): Defendant’s Letter in Response to Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Sec. of State Brian Kemp's response to plaintiff's response for a preliminary injunction. Read more
League of Women Voters v. Newby: Opinion in Order Granting Preliminary Injunction
The U.S. Court of Appeals released its opinion to accompany the Sept. 9 order granting a preliminary injunction to prevent proof-of-citizenship requirements being added to the federal voter registration form. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

While legislative activity has slowed over the summer, the legal battles over election laws are heating up. Project Vote Legislative Director Marissa Liebling discusses the current landscape. Read more
Lawsuit: ‘Exact Match’ System Negatively Impacts Georgia’s Minority Voters

Georgia's strict system for adding new voters to the rolls risks disenfranchising tens of thousands of minorities in the battleground state this fall, according to a new lawsuit by several voting rights groups. Read more
Georgia is using an error-riddled database to reject thousands of voter registrations

Kira Lerner discusses our lawsuit over Georgia's flawed and discriminatory voter verification process. Read more