Voter Registration Policy

IMG_0588aIn 49 out of 50 states, participating in the American democratic process requires an important first step: registering to vote.

Throughout American history, however, voter registration has frequently been used as a bureaucratic hurdle placed between eligible Americans and the ballot box.

That’s why Project Vote works across the country to ensure simple, fair, equitable voter registration policies that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to register to vote.

From fighting laws that place unfair restrictions on community-based voter registration drives, to advocating for innovations like Automatic Voter Registration, Online Registration, Same-Day Registration, and Permanent-Portable Registration, Project Vote wants to make sure that every eligible American can register to vote.

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Multiple States Considering Legislation To Increase Voting Rights

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Courtesy of Project Vote, here is a rundown of some of the state legislation being introduced that will improve, rather than hinder, access to the polls: Read more

When Election Officers Create Hurdles to Voting

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What do the Secretaries of State from Colorado, Kansas, Maine and New Mexico have in common? They have all tried... Read more

Iowa GOP Doesn’t Think Voter ID is Necessary

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Iowa Caucus Won’t Require Voter ID, and Will Allow Election Day Registration, in Order to Encourage Participation  All across the... Read more

Best Of: ACLU, Project Vote highlight legislator’s remarks in letter to Department of Justice

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n a letter sent to the DOJ, the ACLU of Florida and Project Vote decried the Florida Legislature’s overhaul of state election rules. Read more

Massachusetts Secretary Put on Notice for Voting Rights Violations

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Yesterday, attorneys from Demos, Project Vote, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law sent a pre-litigation notice letter... Read more

Voting Laws: Michigan Legislation Could Restrict Voter Registration, Absentee Voters

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Project Vote and other groups involved with voting rights brought testimony to the Senate last week, claiming the bills don't solve current voting problems but rather address "phantom problems" and cause confusion. Read more

Groups Oppose Needless Election Reform Proposals in Michigan

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A coalition of voting rights groups, including Project Vote, submitted testimony to a Michigan Senate Committee today, opposing Secretary of State... Read more

Testimony on 2011 Michigan Election Reform Bills, SB 751, SB 754, SB 803.

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A coalition of voting rights groups submitted testimony in opposition to SB 754, SB 751, SB 803 (2011) to the Michigan Senate Committee on Elections on November 30, 2011. Read more

Voters Speak Up on Voting Rights Restrictions

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The battle over voting rights reached a new peak yesterday, when voters in Maine and Mississippi voted on controversial measures... Read more

‘Motor Voter’ Registrations on the Rise

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The rise in voter registrations coming from public-assistance agencies points to increased compliance with a 1993 federal election law. David... Read more