Voter Registration Policy

IMG_0588aIn 49 out of 50 states, participating in the American democratic process requires an important first step: registering to vote.

Throughout American history, however, voter registration has frequently been used as a bureaucratic hurdle placed between eligible Americans and the ballot box.

That’s why Project Vote works across the country to ensure simple, fair, equitable voter registration policies that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to register to vote.

From fighting laws that place unfair restrictions on community-based voter registration drives, to advocating for innovations like Automatic Voter Registration, Online Registration, Same-Day Registration, and Permanent-Portable Registration, Project Vote wants to make sure that every eligible American can register to vote.

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Voting rights group files suit over Texas registration practices

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"A developing body of state practices and provisions targeted at voter registration activities is endangering the rights of many Texas voters," the lawsuit alleges. Read more

Voting for America v. Steen (Texas)

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The lawsuit (formerly Voting for America v. Andrade) challenges the Texas Volunteer Deputy Registrar statute that creates several onerous restrictions... Read more

Voting for America Sues Texas on Behalf of Voters and the U.S. Constitution

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Citing clear evidence that Texas’s election code related to voter registration violates the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and the U.S. Constitution in several ways, Voting for America, an affiliate of Project Vote, filed suit today against the state of Texas.  Read more

S.C. House Pushes Bill to Raise Voter Registration Barriers

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Yesterday, civil and voting rights activists spoke out against a South Carolina proposal to raise restrictions on community-based groups that... Read more

Voting rights are still under attack in 2012, but voting rights advocates see some signs of hope

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The first month of this election year has already seen a concerted and coordinated movement to roll back voting rights across the country. These legislative trends, which could have a powerful impact on turnout in the 2012 election and beyond, are summarized in a new report released Monday from Project Vote. Read more

Federal Hearing Puts Spotlight on Florida Voter Suppression Law

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A controversial Florida law threatens voter registration drives and early voting, which has a disproportionate impact on people who are... Read more

Testimony on 2011 Florida Election Law, HB 1355 before Federal Subcommittee

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Project Vote and Voting for America submitted on January 27, 2012 testimony to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights on the “New State of Voting Laws II: Protecting the Rights to Vote in the Sunshine State.” Read more

The “War on Voting” Extends to Voter Registration Drives

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With an estimated 60 million eligible Americans not registered to vote, our democracy still has a long way to go... Read more

Restrictive Voting Measures Considered in Missouri

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Two restrictive voting bills will go to the Missouri Senate and House floors, respectively, after gaining committee approval this week.... Read more

Election Day registration works for our most important primaries, Iowa and New Hampshire, so why not for every election?

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Our nation’s first two primaries make it easy for citizens to come to the polls and vote via Election Day... Read more