Voter Registration Policy

IMG_0588aIn 49 out of 50 states, participating in the American democratic process requires an important first step: registering to vote.

Throughout American history, however, voter registration has frequently been used as a bureaucratic hurdle placed between eligible Americans and the ballot box.

That’s why Project Vote works across the country to ensure simple, fair, equitable voter registration policies that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to register to vote.

From fighting laws that place unfair restrictions on community-based voter registration drives, to advocating for innovations like Automatic Voter Registration, Online Registration, Same-Day Registration, and Permanent-Portable Registration, Project Vote wants to make sure that every eligible American can register to vote.

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New Guides to Helping Citizens Register to Vote

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Project Vote has released new guides to voter registration laws for several states. Project Vote developed these guides on behalf of our... Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: Oklahoma

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: Utah

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

Feds Seek Stay of Order in Voter Citizenship Case

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Federal election officials have asked a judge to temporarily suspend his own order that they help Kansas and Arizona enforce state laws requiring voters to prove their U.S. citizenship… Read more

Voter rights groups appeal ruling on documentation

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Voting rights groups filed an appeal Friday of a judge’s order that federal election officials must help Kansas and Arizona enforce state laws requiring new voters to provide documentation proving their U.S. citizenship. Read more

New Guides to Helping Citizens Register to Vote

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Project Vote has released new guides to voter registration laws for several states. Project Vote developed these guides on behalf of our... Read more

Project Vote Moves to Appeal Ruling in Proof of Citizenship Case

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On March 19, a U.S. District Judge issued a ruling in Kris W. Kobach et al. v. United States Election... Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: Connecticut

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: District of Columbia

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

New Guides to Helping Citizens Register to Vote

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Project Vote has released new guides to voter registration laws for several states. Project Vote developed these guides on behalf of our... Read more