Voter Registration Policy

IMG_0588aIn 49 out of 50 states, participating in the American democratic process requires an important first step: registering to vote.

Throughout American history, however, voter registration has frequently been used as a bureaucratic hurdle placed between eligible Americans and the ballot box.

That’s why Project Vote works across the country to ensure simple, fair, equitable voter registration policies that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to register to vote.

From fighting laws that place unfair restrictions on community-based voter registration drives, to advocating for innovations like Automatic Voter Registration, Online Registration, Same-Day Registration, and Permanent-Portable Registration, Project Vote wants to make sure that every eligible American can register to vote.

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723 results returned

Both Lawmakers and Citizens Push for Voting Reforms Before 2016 Election

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In 2015, nonpartisan voting rights group Project Vote monitored 315 bills, introduced by state and federal lawmakers, that could change the way people vote in 2016 and beyond. Read more

Legislative Threats and Opportunities: Fall 2015

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In latest edition of our Threats and Opportunities series, Erin Ferns Lee examines the status of important election bills—harmful and helpful—that were introduced in 2015. Read more

New Project Vote Report Examines Voting Rights Proposals

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Since January, Project Vote has closely monitored 315 bills that could affect the way people vote in 2016 and beyond.... Read more

Project Vote’s Comments on Ohio’s Proposed Directive on 17-Year-Old Primary Voting

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Project Vote and the Fair Elections Legal Network submitted comments on Ohio Sec. of State Husted's proposed directive barring 17-year-old preregistered voters from casting ballots in Ohio's primary election. Read more

Beyer, Ellison Celebrate National Voter Registration Month with New Bill

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Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) and Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), with Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), celebrated National Voter Registration Month today by introducing the Pre-Registration of Voters Everywhere (PROVE) Act. Read more

Project Vote Supports Journey for Justice and the Call for Equal Access to the Ballot

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Project Vote joins the Journey for Justice in calling for a national advocacy agenda that protects the rights of every American. Read more

Opinion: Pa. Voters enjoy benefits of online registration

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There is still work to do, but Pennsylvania is a praiseworthy example of how states are championing the cause of bringing our elections into the 21st century. Read more

September is National Voter Registration Month

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Today kicks off National Voter Registration Month, a time “to encourage voter participation and increase awareness of state requirements and deadlines for voting”... Read more

Voting Rights Advocates Praise Wolf Administration’s Move to Offer Online Voter Registration

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Leading voting rights advocates thanked Secretary of State Pedro Cortes and the Wolf Administration for offering eligible Pennsylvanians the opportunity to go online to update or complete their voter registration forms. Read more

Report: Incorporating Automatic Voter Registration with the NVRA

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At Project Vote, we are excited about the growing interest in AVR at both the state and federal level. We hope this paper will be useful to advocates and policy makers alike as we pursue this promising reform within existing federal law. Read more