
Our Mission

Our goal is simple: to build an electorate that accurately represents the diversity of America’s citizenry. Through advocacy, litigation, and technical assistance, Project Vote is fighting to make sure that every eligible citizen is able to register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts.

Voter Registration Policy

We know that most Americans will vote, once they get registered. That’s why Project Vote’s work is focused on promoting sensible laws, rules, and procedures that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to become registered voters. Read more

Voting Policy

The way Americans vote is changing, and Project Vote works to make sure we're making the polls more, not less, accessible. Read more

List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls. That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists. Read more

Government Agency Registration

Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to ensure that state governments played a leading role in providing our most vulnerable citizens a chance to participate in American democracy. Project Vote and our partners are working to make sure they do, and to realize the full potential of this landmark law. Read more

Civic Engagement

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. Project Vote brings our 20 years of field experience to help community-organizations run efficient, effective voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs. Read more

Bill Tracking

Project Vote's bill tracking service provides up-to-the-minute information on election legislation—good and bad—that has been proposed in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. Read more

Most Recent / Relevant Items

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234 results returned

Project Vote Applauds Congressional Leadership on Election Reform

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Yesterday, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) and U.S. Representative George Miller (D-Calif.) both introduced federal legislation designed to address the delays and problems millions of Americans endured at the polls on Election Day. Read more

On Historic Night, President Says “We Have to Fix” Voting; Project Vote Agrees

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Michael Slater, executive director of Project Vote, released the following statement in response: Read more

Project Vote Calls on NC Election Officials to Protect the Rights of College Voters

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Last night, attorneys from the national voting rights organization Project Vote sent a letter to election officials expressing concern over the possible disenfranchisement of more than 1,000 students at Warren Wilson College. Read more

Local and National Groups Rally to Protect Voter Rights

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Marking the close of early voting this Friday, several local and national groups will gather together with students and first-time voters on the steps of the Maricopa County Elections Department. Read more

“Rock The Box” Early Voting Event

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East Austin’s voters, both new and old, will be casting their early votes at a fun community event this Friday at Southwest Key’s Centro de Familia. Read more

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund and Partners Promote Early Voting at Orlando Rally

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With 19 days until the Election, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFV EF) and its partners are gathering to motivate the Latino community to vote early and make their voices heard through the ballot box. Read more

Cleveland’s Latino Community Hosts Debate Watch Party: Religious and Community Leaders View and Analyze Debate

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Members of Cleveland’s Latino community will watch the final debate on foreign policy and discuss the issues that impact their lives.  Read more

Lawsuit Forces Partial Settlement for Harris County, Texas Voters

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Today, a partial agreement was reached in response to a lawsuit initiated by LULAC, Project Vote, the Campaign Legal Center, and the Law Offices of Brazil and Dunn against Harris County, Texas, challenging the legality of Harris County’s voter purge and voter registration program. Read more

Florida Assures Court that No Eligible Citizen Will Be Wrongfully Removed from Voter Rolls Before Election

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According to Secretary of State Detzner, “there is no chance that a citizen will be erroneously removed from the voter rolls before Election Day.” Read more

Project Vote Statement on Restoration of Early Voting Hours in Hillsborough Co.

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After a year-long process, the federal court in Washington, DC has ordered five Florida counties—including Hillsborough, which contains the City of Tampa—to continue providing 96 hours of early voting in the upcoming election. Read more