
Our Mission

Our goal is simple: to build an electorate that accurately represents the diversity of America’s citizenry. Through advocacy, litigation, and technical assistance, Project Vote is fighting to make sure that every eligible citizen is able to register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts.

Voter Registration Policy

We know that most Americans will vote, once they get registered. That’s why Project Vote’s work is focused on promoting sensible laws, rules, and procedures that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to become registered voters. Read more

Voting Policy

The way Americans vote is changing, and Project Vote works to make sure we're making the polls more, not less, accessible. Read more

List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls. That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists. Read more

Government Agency Registration

Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to ensure that state governments played a leading role in providing our most vulnerable citizens a chance to participate in American democracy. Project Vote and our partners are working to make sure they do, and to realize the full potential of this landmark law. Read more

Civic Engagement

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. Project Vote brings our 20 years of field experience to help community-organizations run efficient, effective voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs. Read more

Bill Tracking

Project Vote's bill tracking service provides up-to-the-minute information on election legislation—good and bad—that has been proposed in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. Read more

Most Recent / Relevant Items

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Election Legislation Hearings of the Week

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Hearings for important election bills are scheduled as follows: Read more

Voting Rights Coalition Urge Rep. to Make Online Registration Bill Fair and Uniform

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A coalition of civil rights, voting rights, and civic engagement groups wrote Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), sponsor of federal bill,... Read more

Preregistration Bill Goes to Delaware Governor

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The Delaware Senate voted to approve legislation Wednesday evening allowing 16- and 17-year old citizens to register to vote in... Read more

Noncitizen Voting is Nonexistent, Say Michigan Election Officials

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As Michigan considers following the dangerous example of Arizona’s controversial anti-immigration law, one of the candidates for the state’s chief... Read more

Voter Registration at Ohio Public Assistance Agencies Skyrocket

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As if we needed more proof that offering voter registration through public assistance agencies works, new EAC reporting data from... Read more

Victory in Michigan: Problematic Voter Purging Programs Stopped

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The state of Michigan has agreed to end two voter purge programs that violated federal law, disenfranchising thousands of Michigan... Read more

Voter ID on Table in South Carolina

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South Carolina legislators will return tomorrow to “work out” voter ID legislation and the state budget, according to local publication,... Read more

Georgia SOS Files Suit to Approve Controversial Voter Verification System

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The fight over Georgia’s proposed voter verification system continues, with both the state and civil rights groups filing suit over... Read more

Justice Department Stands Behind Voter Registration Law

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Modernizing voter registration services has been a big theme in policy and government circles since the 2008 presidential election.  But... Read more

Delaware Bill to Allow Youth Voter Preregistration Moves Forward in Senate

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The Delaware General Assembly is considering legislation that would allow teenagers to register to vote when they apply for a... Read more