
Our Mission

Our goal is simple: to build an electorate that accurately represents the diversity of America’s citizenry. Through advocacy, litigation, and technical assistance, Project Vote is fighting to make sure that every eligible citizen is able to register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts.

Voter Registration Policy

We know that most Americans will vote, once they get registered. That’s why Project Vote’s work is focused on promoting sensible laws, rules, and procedures that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to become registered voters. Read more

Voting Policy

The way Americans vote is changing, and Project Vote works to make sure we're making the polls more, not less, accessible. Read more

List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls. That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists. Read more

Government Agency Registration

Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to ensure that state governments played a leading role in providing our most vulnerable citizens a chance to participate in American democracy. Project Vote and our partners are working to make sure they do, and to realize the full potential of this landmark law. Read more

Civic Engagement

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. Project Vote brings our 20 years of field experience to help community-organizations run efficient, effective voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs. Read more

Bill Tracking

Project Vote's bill tracking service provides up-to-the-minute information on election legislation—good and bad—that has been proposed in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. Read more

Most Recent / Relevant Items

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Conference Covers Voter Registration and Civil Rights Accomplishments

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The National Association of Secretaries of State held their biannual conference in Washington, D.C. Friday. The conference featured many important... Read more

Groups Ask Court for Immediate Halt of Voting Restrictions

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Project Vote and partners file a motion to halt enforcement of proof-of-citizenship requirements on federal voter registration form in three states. Read more

League of Women Voters v. Newby: Motion for Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction

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Motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction in League of Women Voters v. Newby Read more

Infographic: State Partisan Control: 2016

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An infographic showing the partisan affiliation of officials who control election laws in each state, including governor's offices, legislatures, and secretary of state offices in 2016. Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: Pennsylvania

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

Suit Filed Challenging Move to Require Voter Proof Of Citizenship In 3 States

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A lawsuit was filed challenging the surprise move by the head of a federal elections agency to require proof of citizenship to register to vote in three states. Read more

Voting Rights Groups Sue Federal Election Official

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A coalition of voting rights groups on Friday sued a federal elections official who decided that residents of Alabama, Kansas and Georgia can no longer register to vote using a national form without providing proof of U.S. citizenship. Read more

Project Vote Letter on New Mexico Voter ID bill HB 312

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Project Vote wrote a letter in opposition of New Mexico voter ID bill, HB 312. Read more

Proof of Citizenship Action Illegal, Federal Suit Says

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Project Vote and colleagues filed suit against Brian Newby, Executive Director of the EAC, for illegal proof-of-citizenship action. Read more

League of Women Voters v. Newby: Complaint

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Complaint filed Feb. 12, 2016 in LWV v. Newby Read more