
Our Mission

Our goal is simple: to build an electorate that accurately represents the diversity of America’s citizenry. Through advocacy, litigation, and technical assistance, Project Vote is fighting to make sure that every eligible citizen is able to register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts.

Voter Registration Policy

We know that most Americans will vote, once they get registered. That’s why Project Vote’s work is focused on promoting sensible laws, rules, and procedures that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to become registered voters. Read more

Voting Policy

The way Americans vote is changing, and Project Vote works to make sure we're making the polls more, not less, accessible. Read more

List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls. That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists. Read more

Government Agency Registration

Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to ensure that state governments played a leading role in providing our most vulnerable citizens a chance to participate in American democracy. Project Vote and our partners are working to make sure they do, and to realize the full potential of this landmark law. Read more

Civic Engagement

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. Project Vote brings our 20 years of field experience to help community-organizations run efficient, effective voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs. Read more

Bill Tracking

Project Vote's bill tracking service provides up-to-the-minute information on election legislation—good and bad—that has been proposed in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. Read more

Most Recent / Relevant Items

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1572 results returned

What Happened to Hope and Change? A Poll of 2008 Voters

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This report summarizes the findings of a poll, conducted in July 2010, which reveals that most Americans are dissatisfied with the current state of the country, but a clear majority of them want their government to do more, not less. Read more

Two States Question the Impact of Strict Voter ID Laws

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In most states, a citizen may register and vote after establishing four critical points: citizenship, age, residency, and, in some... Read more

New Law Makes Voter Registration Accessible to Delaware Teens

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Tens of thousands of Delaware teens will soon be able to register to vote when applying for their first driver’s... Read more

Local Idaho voters now need to show photo ID or sign affidavit

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“The primary concern is that the impact of photo ID requirements are particularly felt by elderly people, low-income people and often racial minorities,” said Estelle Rogers, an attorney with Project Vote. Read more

Democracy Goes Back to School

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As America’s youth head back to school and the country prepares for the midterm elections, civic education is of particular... Read more

Early Voting Debuts in Maryland This Week: Will it Improve Turnout?

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Schedule conflicts, work commitments, and transportation issues are just a few reasons why some voters don’t show up on Election... Read more

Research Memo: Best Practices for High School Registration Programs

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In Project Vote’s ongoing efforts to encourage civic participation among America’s youth, we have been gathering data to gauge the existence and effectiveness of high school voter registration programs nationwide. This report compiles the best practices and effective tips that our survey respondents recommended for implementing successful high school voter registration programs. Read more

Fact Sheet: Paperless Voter Registration Benefits

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Paperless voter registration systems provide exciting new opportunities for improving access to voter registration among groups traditionally underrepresented in the electorate. Specifically, paperless voter registration processes can be developed economically and can seamlessly integrate and transfer existing electronic data collected at voter registration agencies and the DMV to election officials. Read more

Fact Sheet: Paperless Voter Registration Benefits. September 2010

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Paperless voter registration systems provide exciting new opportunities for improving access to voter registration among groups traditionally underrepresented in the electorate. This one-page document offers “fast facts” on the benefits of paperless registration. Read more

Model Testimony: High School Voter Registration

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This document provides a template for lawmakers and other interested parties to draft letters and testimony in support of high school voter registration. Read more