
Our Mission

Our goal is simple: to build an electorate that accurately represents the diversity of America’s citizenry. Through advocacy, litigation, and technical assistance, Project Vote is fighting to make sure that every eligible citizen is able to register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts.

Voter Registration Policy

We know that most Americans will vote, once they get registered. That’s why Project Vote’s work is focused on promoting sensible laws, rules, and procedures that make it easier, not harder, for eligible citizens to become registered voters. Read more

Voting Policy

The way Americans vote is changing, and Project Vote works to make sure we're making the polls more, not less, accessible. Read more

List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls. That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists. Read more

Government Agency Registration

Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to ensure that state governments played a leading role in providing our most vulnerable citizens a chance to participate in American democracy. Project Vote and our partners are working to make sure they do, and to realize the full potential of this landmark law. Read more

Civic Engagement

Since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, voter engagement efforts have played a vital role in our democratic process. Project Vote brings our 20 years of field experience to help community-organizations run efficient, effective voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs. Read more

Bill Tracking

Project Vote's bill tracking service provides up-to-the-minute information on election legislation—good and bad—that has been proposed in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. Read more

Most Recent / Relevant Items

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Ohio Senate Attempts to Cancel Referendum on Voting Law

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Today, Project Vote election counsel, Camille Wimbish spoke out against the Ohio Senate’s effort to repeal an election bill that... Read more

Testimony on Ohio SB 295 to the Government Reform and Oversight Committee Ohio Senate.

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Project Vote submitted testimony to the Ohio Senate Committee on Government Reform and Oversight Committee regarding SB 295 (2012), a bill that sought to repeal HB 194. Read more

Vote to repeal elections bill is delayed by one week

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“We cannot overemphasize how confusing it would be for both voters and poll workers if...election rules abruptly change between the primary and general election,” Camille Wimbish, election counsel for Project Vote, told the committee.  Read more

Rep. Davis Dropped from the Voter Roll

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Former U.S. Congressman Lincoln Davis found out the hard way that voter suppression still exists in the U.S. He went... Read more

There is no such thing as “free ID”

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Michigan voters shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to express their fundamental right to vote. But if bills pending in... Read more

Today in Kansas, extreme voter suppression rule pushed ahead of election, more states follow

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What’s the matter with Kansas? If Secretary of State Kris Kobach and House Republicans have their way, it will be... Read more

Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Amended Complaint

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A lawsuit challenging the Texas Volunteer Deputy Registrar statute that creates restrictions and criminal liability against anyone who collects voter registration cards. Read more

Charlotte Observer says no photo voter ID for North Carolina

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The Charlotte Observer today offers up hard data on why photo voter IDs will create undue hurdles for citizens to... Read more

The Myth of the “Always Necessary” Photo ID

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Although the Justice Department has denied preclearance to restrictive voter ID laws in two states this year because they disproportionately... Read more

Department of Justice Properly Rejects Texas Voter ID Law as Discriminatory

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Today, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) notified the state of Texas that it would not approve the state's new voter ID law because it violated the Voting Rights Act. Michael Slater, executive director of Project Vote, issued the following statement in response: Read more