List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls.

That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, “no match, no vote” programs, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists.

Additionally, we fight to make sure that voter registration and list maintenance policies are publicly transparent, in order to ensure that states are not using arbitrary, error-prone, or politically-motivated criteria for rejecting applicants or purging voters.

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272 results returned

Virginia Registrar Cautiously Implements New Voter Purge Law

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Virginia is one of two states to pass a law that allows it to compare voter rolls with neighboring states... Read more

True the Vote Allegations Prove Untrue in Pasco Co., FL

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Recently, the Tea-Party affiliated group True the Vote announced that they had identified a number of  voters who had “double-voted,”... Read more

Fla. Elections Supervisor Concerned about Voter Purge Plans

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Pinellas County Elections Supervisor Deborah Clark, a Republican, bucked her party’s narrative when she said there was no issue of... Read more

Voting Rights Act Ruling a Setback for Our Great Democracy

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Today’s ruling is a significant setback for voting rights in our great democracy. The Voting Rights Act remains one of the most important achievements of the civil rights movement, and for almost 50 years has been a vital tool to protect real voters from losing their right to cast a ballot.  Read more

National Voter Registration Act Turns 20, Faces Challenges Today

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“To the extent that Americans now think voter registration is easy, it’s largely because of the NVRA,” says Michael Slater, executive director of Project Vote. Read more

Groups Call on Indiana Governor to Veto Harmful Election Bill

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Indianapolis – The Indiana legislature yesterday passed election rules that will make it more difficult to register to vote, and... Read more

Proposed Election Rules Create New Hurdles for Voter Registration and Risk Improper Voter Roll Purges

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The Indiana legislature yesterday passed election rules that will make it more difficult to register to vote, and increase the risk of improper purges, according to national voting rights group Project Vote. Read more

Search for Non-citizens on Tenn. Voter Rolls Turns Up Short

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The witch hunt for non-citizens lurking on voter rolls and compromising elections turned up short in Tennessee this week. According... Read more

Three months, 30 states, 55 new voting restrictions

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It is, as Project Vote's Erin Ferns Lee put it, "an onslaught." Read more

New Voter Suppression Efforts Prove Voting Rights Act Still Needed

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According to a report by Project Vote, 55 new voting restrictions have been introduced in 30 states so far this year. Read more