List Maintenance

Voter registration is only the first step: we also have to make sure that registrants get on the rolls, and stay on the rolls.

That’s why Project Vote works to protect eligible voters from wrongful purges, voter caging, “no match, no vote” programs, and other dangerous efforts to “clean-up” the lists.

Additionally, we fight to make sure that voter registration and list maintenance policies are publicly transparent, in order to ensure that states are not using arbitrary, error-prone, or politically-motivated criteria for rejecting applicants or purging voters.

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272 results returned

Project Vote Releases New Policy Paper on Voter Registration Transparency

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Today, Project Vote is pleased to release the latest policy paper in our Issues in Election Administration series, Voter Registration... Read more

Project Vote Releases New Policy Paper on Voter Registration Transparency

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Fair access to records is vital to ensuring that states are not using arbitrary or politically-motivated criteria for rejecting applicants or purging voters in secret.  Read more

Policy Paper: Voter Registration Transparency

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This policy brief addresses the importance of transparency in the voter registration and list maintenance process, discusses current law and efforts to ensure public access to voter registration information, and reviews some best practices for making information available to the public. Read more

Officials Examine Bipartisan Voting Recommendations

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At a time when voting rights is an issue of national concern, and the problems faced by voters in 2012... Read more

Here’s Another Crazy Consequence of Eric Cantor’s Loss

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Eric Cantor's loss in the Virginia Republican primary on Tuesday night is terrible news for voting rights. Read more

States Push to Make Voting More Convenient

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In 2014, state legislatures considered almost four times as many proposals that eliminate barriers to voting as ones that create them.   Read more

In Election Legislation, Many Proposals but Few Solutions

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Today, Project Vote released a new report analyzing the legislative landscape in 2014, and assessing the ground gained and lost so far in the war over voting rights.  Read more

In Florida, Bid to Cut Voter Rolls Is Set Back

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Gov. Rick Scott’s effort to remove voters who are not American citizens from voter registration rolls has suffered a one-two punch in the past week. Read more

Voting Rights Victory in Florida

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Yesterday, in a major victory for Florida voters, the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled that Florida’s... Read more

Rick Scott’s voter purge was illegal: Court

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Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s badly flawed purge of the voter rolls before the 2012 election was illegal, a federal court ruled Tuesday. Read more