Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act

Though most people know the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) as the “motor voter” law, fewer people know that it also mandates that voter registration be offered at other government agencies besides DMVs. State agencies offering SNAP (food stamps), TANF, Medicaid, and other government benefits are also legally required to assist their clients in registering to vote under the NVRA.
Congress included this provision, Section 7, exactly to reach the citizens who are less likely to register through other means: low-income people, minorities, the elderly, and the disabled.
However, too many states have been ignoring this part of the NVRA, meaning that millions of our most vulnerable citizens are missing out on the change to make their voices heard. That’s why Project Vote and our partners are working to fix that. We investigate compliance. We document violations of the NVRA. And, where we find problems, we work—through advocacy, assistance, and litigation—to ensure that states are following the law and doing right by their citizens.
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Webinar: NVRA Section 7 Compliance Best Practices
A webinar presentation explaining best practices for public assistance agencies to comply with Sec. 7 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Read more
Federal Court Says North Carolina Likely Violated “Motor Voter” Law
With the 2016 election less than two weeks away, a federal judge has ordered North Carolina election officials to take actions to protect eligible citizens. Read more
Action NC et al v. Strach (North Carolina): Court Order
Court order denying defendants' motion to dismiss, and granting in part plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction Read more
Voting Rights Fight in Georgia Grows More Intense

The fight for voting rights in Georgia isn’t new; we have been working there for years. Read more
Report from US Commission on Civil Rights Highlights Crucial NVRA Section 7 Compliance Requirements

A new report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights provides important proposals and guidelines for ensuring that all Americans have an opportunity to register and vote. Read more
Court Must Intervene to Protect N.C. Voters, Project Vote Argues

At a court hearing this week, Project Vote attorneys argued North Carolina voters need immediate relief in advance of the November election. Read more
Louisiana Federal Court Upholds the Spirit and Letter of the NVRA

In an exhaustive opinion handed down in Louisiana, a federal district court basically held that mere lip service to the public assistance provisions of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) is not an option. Read more
Bridging the Latino Voter Registration Gap Is More Crucial Than Ever

Twenty-three million Latinos are currently eligible to vote in the United States, but less than 14 million are registered, according to a new report by the NALEO Educational Fund yesterday. Read more
One Fight Down, Another One Looms in Nevada

Nevada’s state of voter registration is currently a good news, bad news situation. Read more
New forms make it easier to register to vote in Montana

The Montana Vehicle Division has revamped many of its forms to help make it easier to register to vote, amid pressure from voter rights groups who said the state was not doing enough to comply with the national Motor Voter law. Read more