Government Agency Registration

Who Should Register Americans to Vote? Their Government

When the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) was passed in 1993, it was heralded as a watershed in voting rights law. It was popularly known as the “motor voter” law, because—in addition to other important provisions—the NVRA requires voter registration services to be provided through venues where citizens regularly interact with their government: motor vehicle offices, public assistance agencies, and other government outlets.

This expansion of voter registration opportunities was expected to usher in a new era of universal, or nearly universal, enfranchisement and political participation. And indeed, in the first two years of implementation, the NVRA contributed to one of the largest expansions of the voter rolls in American history.

In the 20 years since the law went into effect, however, it has become all too common for states to neglect or ignore the requirements of the NVRA. This means that millions of Americans—particularly low-income, minority, and disabled citizens who are already underrepresented in the electorate—have been illegally denied their federally-mandated opportunity to register to vote.

Project Vote and our partners—including Demos, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and other civil rights organizations—work to rectify this problem. Through advocacy, technical assistance, and—where necessary—litigation, we are ensuring that state agencies fulfill their responsibilities and help realize the full promise of the NVRA.


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346 results returned

Notice Letter to Arizona on NVRA Section 7 Violations

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Pre-litigation notice Letter to the Arizona Secretary of State concerning compliance with Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Read more

Arizona Once Again Failing to Offer Required Voter Registration

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Secretary of State Bennett and State Agencies on notice for violations of federal law. Read more

Voting groups: Arizona is failing low-income residents

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Local and national voting-rights groups say Arizona is failing to provide voter registration information to low-income residents. Read more

Motor Vehicle Offices Are Failing to Register Voters

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Poor implementation of the National Voter Registration Act could mean problems at the polls, wrote Martha T. Moore at USA Today. Read more

Motor voter problems mean delays at polls

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The culprit was a new online voter registration system at motor vehicle offices. Read more

Progressive Caucus and voting rights groups call on new head of HHS to address violations of federal voting law

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WASHINGTON, DC – Today, as the Senate confirmed the appointment of Sylvia Mathews Burwell to head the U.S. Department of... Read more

As Secretary Burwell Starts Work, Fixing Voter Registration System in Health Benefits Exchanges Should Be a Top Priority

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Congressional Progressive Caucus and voting rights groups call on new head of HHS to address violations of federal voting law. Read more

Video: Public Assistance Lawsuit in Georgia

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A video highlighting the successful lawsuit Project Vote and our partners brought to enforce the NVRA public assistance requirements in Georgia. Read more

New Video Highlights Georgia NVRA Section 7 Case

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In 2011, Project Vote and our partners—including the ACLU, the Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda, Demos, the Lawyers’ Committee for... Read more

Letter to Motor Vehicles Division of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Dept.

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Letter to New Mexico's MVD concerning their obligations under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Read more