Jump-Starting “Motor Voter”
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) became known as the “motor voter” law because Section 5 of the law designated motor vehicle offices as voter registration sites. For 20 years Americans have enjoyed the convenience of registering to vote, or updating their registrations, while conducting other business at the DMV.
The NVRA requires that DMVs take specific steps that will make registration extremely convenient for their customers, so that as many eligible Americans as possible will participate in elections. Yet many states DMVs don’t follow these rules. Often through omission rather than articulated policy, they relegate voter registration to a bottom-rung priority, for example, by failing to integrate it into new processes that become available due to technology. One result is that customers conducting online DMV transactions often miss out on the voter registration opportunities that the NVRA mandates they be given.
In short, “motor “voter” is stalling out in many states, and threatening to leave millions of Americans behind.
Project Vote is working with allies to enforce the “motor voter” law across the country, and ensure that states adapt this core voter registration portal to new technologies that have the potential to vastly expand the electorate.
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Information for NC Voters Who Attempted to Register at DMVs
Information on the provisional ballot process for North Carolina voters who attempted to register through the DMV but find they are not on the voter rolls. Read more
Good News in Lawsuit to Protect NC Voters

A federal judge has ordered North Carolina election officials to take actions to protect eligible citizens and allow them to vote by provisional ballot on November 8. Read more
Federal Court Says North Carolina Likely Violated “Motor Voter” Law
With the 2016 election less than two weeks away, a federal judge has ordered North Carolina election officials to take actions to protect eligible citizens. Read more
Action NC et al v. Strach (North Carolina): Court Order
Court order denying defendants' motion to dismiss, and granting in part plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction Read more
Groups say state highway safety agency violates voters’ rights

Project Vote and partners put the state of Florida on notice for alleged violations of the federal "motor voter" law. Read more
Florida Fails to Register Voters at Motor Vehicles Offices

Florida residents have been denied the federally required opportunity to register to vote when interacting with motor vehicles offices. Read more
Court Must Intervene to Protect N.C. Voters, Project Vote Argues

At a court hearing this week, Project Vote attorneys argued North Carolina voters need immediate relief in advance of the November election. Read more
Bridging the Latino Voter Registration Gap Is More Crucial Than Ever

Twenty-three million Latinos are currently eligible to vote in the United States, but less than 14 million are registered, according to a new report by the NALEO Educational Fund yesterday. Read more
California DMV Takes Important First Steps Toward Improving Voter Registration Services

Although problems persist, voter registration for 2016 elections will be easier for some. Read more
One Fight Down, Another One Looms in Nevada

Nevada’s state of voter registration is currently a good news, bad news situation. Read more