That’s why, in addition to working for fair and equitable registration and voting policies, Project Vote works directly with partners in the field to increase participation in these communities.
Project Vote has over 20 years experience in developing and running large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs, working with partners—from religious institutions to youth groups, from national coalitions to local community-based organizations, to nonprofit service providers—to increase participation in underrepresented communities. We also provide an extensive library of resources—including comprehensive state-by-state voter registration guides—to assist voter engagement efforts across the country.
Working with partners in the community, Project Vote’s goal is to achieve an American electorate that truly represents the American people.
What Our Partners Say
“Project Vote has been a solid partner and supporter of the Ohio Voter Fund partnering with us on a variety of research, voter registration and GOTV programs over the past several years. Their voter registration, data management trainings, program accountability standards and best practices has given scores of our local organizers an opportunity to conduct state of the art voter engagement programs. Its hard work and often very challenging but in the end our organization and the people who have been touched by their work have been grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the effort. We look forward to our continued partnership.”
—Greg Moore, Executive Director, Ohio Voter Fund
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National Latino Leaders Say, “It’s Our Time to Vote”
With early voting underway in many parts of the country, Latino voters are expected to turn out in record numbers this year. Read more
Voter registration ends Tuesday: Come register to vote and learn why voting matters
Project Vote, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and the Congreso de Latinos Unidos invite the Philadelphia community to register to vote and get voter information this Tuesday from 10 AM to 1 PM at Congreso’s North Philadelphia location. Read more
The Time is Now: Come Register to Vote and Learn Why Voting Matters
Project Vote and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) invite the Miami community to Jimmy’z Kitchen to register to vote, get voter information, and enjoy treats this Saturday from 12 – 2 PM. Read more
Project Vote Releases New Analysis of Who Voted (and Who Didn’t) in 2010
While the 2008 electorate was the most diverse in American history, and voters gave the majority of their votes to Democrats, the 2010 midterm election experienced unusually high participation from older and wealthier voters who strongly favored Republican candidates, according to a new analysis released today by Project Vote. Read more
New Poll Presents the 2008 Electorate’s Views on Government
Today Project Vote released What Happened to Hope and Change? A Poll of 2008 Voters, a new report summarizing the results of a telephone survey of 1,947 Americans who cast ballots in 2008, analyzing their views on the role of government, government spending, and the budget. T Read more
The Sierra Club and Voting for America Announce Partnership to Help Register Young Americans in 2010
Today the Sierra Club, America's oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization, and Voting for America, an affiliate of the voting rights nonprofit Project Vote, announced a new nonpartisan initiative to help over 50,000 students of community and four-year colleges in seven states register to vote for the 2010 election. Read more
VR Drives Go Paperless with New Software for iPad & Other Mobile Devices
Project Vote, one of the nation's leading voter engagement organizations, has teamed up with Orlando-based advertising agency Echo Interaction Group to revolutionize how community organizations conduct voter registration drives. Read more
Project Vote Releases New Report on Composition of the 2008 Electorate
Representational Bias in the 2008 Electorate reviews the story of who was eligible to vote, who was registered to vote, and who did vote in the 2008 general election. Read more
Project Vote and ACLU File ACORN Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of Pennsylvania Voter-Registration Law
The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania and Project Vote filed a lawsuit today on behalf of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), charges that a Pennsylvania law unconstitutionally restricts ACORN’s right to conduct voter-registration drives. Read more
NEW: Project Vote Analysis of CPS Data Shows a More Diverse Electorate in 2008
The November 2008 election saw dramatic increases in participation by traditionally underrepresented groups, including Americans of color and young voters, according to a new research memo released today by Project Vote. Read more