That’s why, in addition to working for fair and equitable registration and voting policies, Project Vote works directly with partners in the field to increase participation in these communities.
Project Vote has over 20 years experience in developing and running large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs, working with partners—from religious institutions to youth groups, from national coalitions to local community-based organizations, to nonprofit service providers—to increase participation in underrepresented communities. We also provide an extensive library of resources—including comprehensive state-by-state voter registration guides—to assist voter engagement efforts across the country.
Working with partners in the community, Project Vote’s goal is to achieve an American electorate that truly represents the American people.
What Our Partners Say
“Project Vote has been a solid partner and supporter of the Ohio Voter Fund partnering with us on a variety of research, voter registration and GOTV programs over the past several years. Their voter registration, data management trainings, program accountability standards and best practices has given scores of our local organizers an opportunity to conduct state of the art voter engagement programs. Its hard work and often very challenging but in the end our organization and the people who have been touched by their work have been grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the effort. We look forward to our continued partnership.”
—Greg Moore, Executive Director, Ohio Voter Fund
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Project Vote Vows to Hold Jefferson Sessions Accountable

Project Vote President Michael Slater's statement on the confirmation of Sen. Jefferson Sessions to be the U.S. Attorney General. Read more
Project Vote Condemns Trump’s Dangerous Lies about “Illegal Voting”

Donald Trump used his first official meeting with congressional leaders to falsely claim illegal voters cost him the popular vote. Project Vote’s president, Michael Slater, responds. Read more
Project Vote Strongly Opposes Trump’s Nomination of Jefferson Sessions as Attorney General
Project Vote calls on Mr. Trump to reconsider his choice of Jefferson Sessions for Attorney General, and we call on the Senate Judiciary Committee to roundly reject the appointment should it move forward. Read more
Despite Gains in Participation Among Certain Groups, New Research Shows that the American Electorate Still Does Not Represent the American People
With just over three months until the 2016 election, a major new report from voting rights group Project Vote identifies where participatory gaps still exist in the American electorate. Read more
New Report Identifies Gaps in the American Electorate
As the 2015-2016 election cycle gets underway, nonprofit voting rights group Project Vote has released a major new report that presents a comprehensive picture of disparities in the changing American electorate. Read more
Project Vote Receives over $50,000 from CREDO for Voting Rights Work
CREDO, America’s only progressive phone company, announced today that it is donating $57,589 to Project Vote for the group’s work in 2014 to ensure that every eligible American can register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts. Read more
Local and National Groups Rally to Protect Voter Rights
Marking the close of early voting this Friday, several local and national groups will gather together with students and first-time voters on the steps of the Maricopa County Elections Department. Read more
“Rock The Box” Early Voting Event
East Austin’s voters, both new and old, will be casting their early votes at a fun community event this Friday at Southwest Key’s Centro de Familia. Read more
Mi Familia Vota Education Fund and Partners Promote Early Voting at Orlando Rally
With 19 days until the Election, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFV EF) and its partners are gathering to motivate the Latino community to vote early and make their voices heard through the ballot box. Read more
Cleveland’s Latino Community Hosts Debate Watch Party: Religious and Community Leaders View and Analyze Debate
Members of Cleveland’s Latino community will watch the final debate on foreign policy and discuss the issues that impact their lives. Read more