That’s why, in addition to working for fair and equitable registration and voting policies, Project Vote works directly with partners in the field to increase participation in these communities.
Project Vote has over 20 years experience in developing and running large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs, working with partners—from religious institutions to youth groups, from national coalitions to local community-based organizations, to nonprofit service providers—to increase participation in underrepresented communities. We also provide an extensive library of resources—including comprehensive state-by-state voter registration guides—to assist voter engagement efforts across the country.
Working with partners in the community, Project Vote’s goal is to achieve an American electorate that truly represents the American people.
What Our Partners Say
“Project Vote has been a solid partner and supporter of the Ohio Voter Fund partnering with us on a variety of research, voter registration and GOTV programs over the past several years. Their voter registration, data management trainings, program accountability standards and best practices has given scores of our local organizers an opportunity to conduct state of the art voter engagement programs. Its hard work and often very challenging but in the end our organization and the people who have been touched by their work have been grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the effort. We look forward to our continued partnership.”
—Greg Moore, Executive Director, Ohio Voter Fund
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Will the Latino ‘sleeping giant’ wake and vote this November?

During the past few presidential elections, national media began to speculate on the effect of the Latino electorate and even gave it the moniker “the sleeping giant.” But every year, despite increased potential, it seemed that giant hadn’t yet awakened. Indicators suggest this could be the year... Read more
Atkins: Lower courts striking down voter ID laws

In a series of rulings over the last two weeks, appellate courts across the country have been filling in the hole blown out of the Voting Rights Act of 1964 three years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court... Read more
Philly Barbers Aim to Boost Voter Turnout
Through the Sharp Insight program, up to 50 barbers across Philadelphia will receive paid training to distribute basic information around elections and voting. Read more
Perspective On Clinton-Kasich Q-Poll Match-Up
The best news for Democrats...wasn’t in the Q-Poll match-up with Kasich today, it was found in the release by Project Vote of an analysis of the 2012 presidential vote. Read more
OPINION: The Latino Vote: The Way Forward
Many factors contributed to President Obama’s re-election. But few are as important as the Latino vote. Read more
Has The Tea Party Lost The Messaging Battle?
Project Vote's Viviana Hurtado joins Michel Martin for a post-election roundtable Read more
OPINION: Election 2012: On Tuesday, the Latina Vote Can Make History
More than 12 million Latinos are expected to vote in this election, which is a record. Read more
Young Americans Turned Apathetic By Washington Squabbling, Bad Economy
In a phenomenon that threatens to repeat itself this fall, many discontented young people sat out the 2010 midterm elections… Read more
More Hispanic-Americans Expected To Vote This Year
Officials aligned with Project Vote, a national nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focusing on minority voters, told reporters during a conference call today that they expected the number of Hispanics who will vote this year to increase 21 percent from 2008. Read more
Last Minute Voter Registration Drive Courts Hispanic Community
The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group, along with Project Vote, held a final push voter-registration event Saturday afternoon. Read more