The interactive index of bills below is curated, analyzed, and summarized by Project Vote’s election administration experts, and regularly updated for you to access at any time. You can search by state and by issue, and track bills according to whether they are—in our analysis—likely to help or hinder the ability of eligible Americans to vote.
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The bill tracking information on this website, including bill summaries, blog posts, and other analyses, is for general guidance only. The legislative process is by its nature fast-moving and subject to change at short notice. This webpage should not be used as a substitute for research and consultation with legal or other competent advisers. Project Vote is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.
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Indiana Bill Could Erroneously Purge Legitimate Voters

Project Vote is urging an Indiana Senator Greg Walker to reconsider legislation that puts registered voters at risk. Read more
Bill Alert: Voting Bills To Be Heard in Va. Legislature

Several bills that would affect the right to vote were considered in Virginia's legislature, including two that Project Vote opposes. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

With this new wave of hostility toward the democratic process, we can expect to see fewer viable legislative efforts to modernize election administration, and more egregious efforts to block the vote. Read more
How Voter Fraud Claims Justify Voter Suppression After the Election

Instead of building safeguards and protecting eligible Americans’ right to vote, these lawmakers and partisans are using the last weeks of 2016 to willfully try to weaken our democracy. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

While advocates and lawmakers have slowly worked over the last 50-plus years to make the democratic process more inclusive, efficient, and modern, the future of voting rights remains uncertain under Trump. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

While legislative activity has slowed over the summer, the legal battles over election laws are heating up. Project Vote Legislative Director Marissa Liebling discusses the current landscape. Read more
Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

In 2016, the trend in voting bills has been towards modernizing the voter registration process to make voting more accessible. But the threat from lawmakers to pass laws that make it harder for citizens to vote remains, and this will be the first election cycle in fifty years without the protections of the Voting Rights Act. Read more
Expanding Opportunities to Register to Vote Online

While 38 states and the District of Columbia have created, or are creating, opportunities for their residents to register to vote online, only a handful have online systems that are fully accessible to all their residents. Read more
Federal Court Hears Pivotal Voting Rights Case

This week, a federal court heard a case "that will determine the outcome of one of the most unprecedented attacks against voting rights in history." Read more
Groups Tell Gov. Kasich to Veto Bill That Violates Voting Rights

Project Vote and Ohio advocacy groups urge Governor Kasich to veto a bill that would make it harder to keep polling places open in the event of an emergency. Read more